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Get ready for the massive file size of Tekken 8, comparable to Call of Duty

Tekken 8’s File Size Is Massive, Comparable to Call of Duty

The upcoming installment of the popular fighting game franchise, Tekken 8, is set to have a file size that rivals that of Call of Duty games. Gamers should prepare themselves for a substantial download if they want to experience the full features and content of Tekken 8.

Expect a Huge Download

Tekken 8’s file size is expected to be on par with Call of Duty games, which are notorious for their massive file sizes. This means players will need to allocate a significant amount of storage space in order to install and enjoy the game fully.

Gamers who are planning to purchase Tekken 8 digitally should ensure that they have ample space on their consoles or gaming PCs to accommodate the large file size. The game’s developers have not released the exact file size yet, but based on the comparisons to Call of Duty, it is safe to assume that it will be substantial.

Preparing for the Big Jump

For Tekken enthusiasts, it is important to be prepared for the substantial download size of Tekken 8. This may mean clearing up unnecessary files and freeing up space on their gaming devices. It is advisable to assess the available storage and plan accordingly to prevent any unexpected issues during the installation process.


Tekken 8 is expected to have a file size comparable to the massive sizes seen in Call of Duty games. Players should anticipate a substantial download and allocate sufficient storage space to avoid any hurdles during the installation. By planning ahead and creating ample room on their gaming devices, Tekken enthusiasts can ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.