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Fans organize virtual Evo 2020 event on VRChat

Fans Create Evo 2020 in VRChat for Online Event

The fighting game community (FGC) has come up with an innovative way to recreate the Evo 2020 experience, despite the cancellation of the annual in-person event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. FGC enthusiasts have embraced VRChat, a popular virtual reality platform, to host their own version of Evo 2020 online.

Using avatars inspired by their favorite fighting game characters, players can gather in virtual worlds similar to the venues typically used for Evo. They can engage in conversations, watch live streams of matches, and even participate in mini-tournaments.

This unique virtual event has gained significant attention within the FGC, particularly among players and fans who were disappointed by the cancellation of Evo 2020. It provides a platform for people to connect, celebrate their shared passion for fighting games, and enjoy the thrill of competitions, all from the safety of their own homes.

The VRChat community has gone above and beyond to replicate the Evo experience, with participants organizing various rooms that mimic the different stages of the tournament. These rooms are equipped with video screens showing live streams of the matches and an interactive environment where users can engage with each other.

One of the most impressive aspects of this virtual Evo is the attention to detail. Players can select their favorite fighting game character avatars, ensuring personalization and adding to the overall immersive experience. The use of VR technology also enhances the sense of being present in a physical location, even though everyone is actually located in different parts of the world.

Although Evo 2020 had to be canceled for health and safety reasons, this virtual adaptation demonstrates the resilience and creativity of the FGC community. By embracing VRChat, players are able to experience the camaraderie and excitement that Evo typically provides. This online gathering has become a testament to the passion and dedication of the FGC community to adapt and overcome challenges.

The virtual Evo 2020 in VRChat is not just a mere consolation. In fact, some players argue that the online version offers unique advantages. The convenience of attending from home eliminates the need for travel expenses and allows a larger number of people to participate, expanding the reach and inclusivity of the event.

Overall, the FGC community’s adaptation of Evo 2020 in VRChat showcases the power of technology and the ingenuity of gamers. It serves as a testament to the strong bond formed through the love of esports and fighting games, proving that passion knows no boundaries, not even a global pandemic.