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Bug in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate lets Steve’s blocks forcefully propel opponents across entire stage upon destruction

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate bug causes opponents to be ejected through the stage

A recent bug has been discovered in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which allows Steve’s blocks to forcefully eject opponents through the entire stage when destroyed.

The bug was found during a match between two professional players, and the spectators were in awe by the unexpected outcome. Steve, one of the game’s characters, has the ability to create blocks as a part of his unique moveset. These blocks can be used as platforms or barriers.

However, when Steve’s blocks are destroyed by opponents, they are supposed to break apart harmlessly. This bug, however, causes the shattered blocks to act as a powerful launching pad, sending opponents flying across the entire stage. It can be a game-changer in intense matches, providing an unexpected advantage to the player who triggered the bug.

The bug has raised concerns among both casual and competitive players, as it disrupts the game’s balance and fairness. Players are worried that this glitch could potentially be exploited in professional tournaments, leading to unfair victories.

Nintendo has been made aware of this bug and is currently working on a fix. They have not specified when players can expect the patch to be released, but considering the impact of this glitch, fans are hoping for a prompt resolution.

Meanwhile, both professional players and casual gamers are advised to be cautious while playing as Steve or against opponents who use him. Avoiding the destruction of Steve’s blocks can prevent any unintended ejections and maintain a level playing field until the bug is fixed.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s latest bug that allows opponents to be launched through the entire stage upon the destruction of Steve’s blocks has taken the community by surprise. With Nintendo addressing the issue, players eagerly anticipate a patch to restore balance and fairness to the game. Until then, caution is advised to avoid exploiting the glitch and maintaining a fair competitive environment.