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Bandai Namco shifts Tekken and SoulCalibur World Tours schedule amidst coronavirus concerns

Bandai Namco adjusts schedule for Tekken and Soulcalibur World Tours due to coronavirus

Bandai Namco has made changes to the schedule for both the Tekken and Soulcalibur World Tours as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The company announced on Twitter that it would be postponing several events and adjusting the format of others.

The Tekken World Tour has seen its first three Master events postponed. The NorCal Regionals, originally scheduled for April, has been moved to September 11-13. Similarly, The Mixup in Lyon, France and the Fighting Games Challenge in Poland have also been postponed to later dates.

In an effort to provide a revised schedule for the community, Bandai Namco shared that Online Master events will be introduced. These online tournaments will provide players the opportunity to compete and earn points towards their World Tour standings.

Bandai Namco also addressed the Soulcalibur community, stating that the four previously announced Soulcalibur World Tour events will be moved to 2021. The statement assured fans that the company is working on establishing online tournaments and exhibition matches to keep the community engaged during this time.

Aside from the schedule adjustments, Bandai Namco acknowledged that the safety and well-being of its players, fans, and staff is their top priority. The company encouraged everyone to follow the guidelines set by health organizations and expressed hopes of seeing everyone back in action soon.

Impact of the coronavirus on esports

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the esports industry. With many live events and tournaments being canceled or postponed, organizers and game developers have been forced to adapt their plans to ensure the safety of the esports community.

In this case, Bandai Namco has made the necessary adjustments to their Tekken and Soulcalibur World Tours, providing alternative options for players to continue their competitive journey. By introducing online tournaments and adjusting the schedule, they are keeping the community engaged and maintaining the spirit of esports during these challenging times.

Looking ahead

Despite the challenges presented by the coronavirus, the esports industry remains resilient. Game developers, organizers, and fans are finding innovative ways to adapt and keep the spirit of competition alive. As the situation continues to evolve, it is important for everyone to stay informed and follow the guidelines provided by health organizations. Together, we can overcome these challenges and look forward to the excitement and thrill of esports events in the future.