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Should you kill Milko in Phantom Liberty? A look at Cyberpunk 2077

Treating Symptoms Mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Kill Milko?

In the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC, there is a new side gig called Treating Symptoms. The mission revolves around stopping a man named Milko Alexis from harassing a client named Indira Barazza on behalf of the Voodoo Boys gang. Your first step is to head to the Voodoo Boys’ hideout, which is actually the Luxor High Wellness Spa. Once there, you will have the choice to either go in stealthily or engage in a full-on firefight. It’s up to you to decide which approach suits you best.

Go to the Voodoo Boys’ Hideout

An in-game screenshot of the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

Start by heading to the Luxor High Wellness Spa. Upon arrival, you’ll receive a call from Mr. Hands and a marker will appear on your map, guiding you to the hideout.

Make Your Way Through the Hideout

You can choose to sneak in through a back entrance or confront the Voodoo Boys at the main entrance. If you decide to stealthily enter, knock out the guards at the main entrance and take a left inside to find a door that can be forced open if you have a Body skill level of at least 10. Inside, you’ll find guards with their backs turned, allowing for a stealth takedown. Move through the area until you reach a makeshift hole in the wall leading to a corridor. Pass through it and proceed to the security area to disable all the security cameras.

An in-game screenshot of the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

Talk to the Supplier (Optional)

An in-game screenshot of the supplier in the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

After clearing the main area and going up the stairs, you’ll have the option to talk to a supplier working with the Voodoo Boys. This conversation can provide helpful information for an upcoming fight against humanoid robots. The supplier can offer assistance if you bribe or threaten him, depending on your skill points.

Fight the Robots

An in-game screenshot of the robots inside the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

Enter the server room and face off against the robots. One robot, the Robot R MK.2, will be the main enemy. Take down the other robots with well-placed shots and follow the map marker to a long corridor. Open the door at the end of the corridor to find Milko, who is not alone.

Talk to the Netrunner (Optional)

An in-game screenshot of the netrunner inside the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

Instead of immediately attacking Milko, talk to the netrunner. He reveals himself as a Netwatch agent working undercover to dismantle the Voodoo Boys gang. He asks you to spare Milko to further their mission. It’s a difficult choice, as there is no concrete proof of his allegiance. You must decide whether to trust him or eliminate Milko.

Should You Kill Milko?

An in-game screenshot of Alan, Milko, and Johnny Silverhand in the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

To achieve the best outcome and maximum rewards, it is recommended that you spare Milko. Trusting the netrunner, named Alan, allows you to protect Indira and maintain the undercover mission. Killing Milko may result in Netwatch’s wrath and unnecessary bloodshed. Spare Milko and complete the gig successfully, earning extra rewards and praise from Mr. Hands.

Final Verdict on Whether You Should Kill Milko in Phantom Liberty

An in-game screenshot of the outside of the Voodoo Boys hideout from the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Phantom Liberty

In conclusion, sparing Milko is the best decision in the Treating Symptoms side gig. It allows you to keep Indira safe, avoid unnecessary bloodshed, and earn additional XP and praise. Leaving Milko alive benefits the overall mission against the Voodoo Boys gang without jeopardizing Indira’s safety.


Cyberpunk 2077, Treating Symptoms mission, Phantom Liberty DLC, Voodoo Boys, Milko Alexis, side gig, Netwatch agent, undercover mission, Indira Barazza, Alan, Netwatch, bloodshed, rewards, XP, Mr. Hands