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Phantom Liberty Guide: Complete Map of All Relic Point Locations in Cyberpunk 2077

Phantom Liberty offers Cyberpunk 2077 players the opportunity to explore new build options and enhance existing builds through the Relic tree. To progress in the tree, players must spend Relic Points. Unlike other trees in the game, where perks are unlocked with Perk Points earned by leveling up, the Relic Tree perks can only be purchased with Relic Points, which are found rather than earned.

In this guide, we will walk you through the locations of each Relic Point in Phantom Liberty. There are a total of 15 Relic Points, and while six of them are automatically earned by playing through the DLC, the other nine can be acquired by exploring Dogtown at any time.

Finding the Relic Points can be done in any order, but we have organized them in a way that allows you to efficiently find them all if you follow this guide. If you have already found some on your own, you can skip those and focus on the ones you haven’t discovered yet.

Here are the locations of the Relic Points in Phantom Liberty:

Relic Point one—Under the safehouse: Located directly under the safehouse with the president. You can find the terminal for the first Relic Point by turning left from the front of the safehouse and heading off the road down a short hill.

Relic Point two—Crime zone tunnel near the safehouse: Head northwest of the first Relic Point outside the safehouse. You’ll find a Crime Icon (three green skulls) that leads you into a tunnel. The second Relic Point terminal is locked behind a door that requires 11 Tech Ability, but you can also access it from a crawl space in the room.

Relic Point three—Highway underpass: On the southeast corner of Dogtown, there is a highway running up the stadium. About a quarter of the way up the highway, there is a circular overpass. Go under this overpass to find the third Relic Point terminal.

Relic Point four—Highway spa crime zone: Continuing up the highway, towards the northeast end, you’ll find a green skull Crime Icon north of the spa. Defeat the enemies in the room, head up the staircase, and find the fourth Relic Point inside the large open room on the left.

Relic Point five—Collapsed building above Capitan Caliente: This Relic Point is located directly above Capitan Caliente. It is situated in a mostly collapsed building that you can access by climbing across a bridge from the southwest face of the pyramid casino building.

Relic Point six—Pyramid construction site: Go to the northwest side of the Pyramid beneath the stadium and face west. Cross the bridge and enter the construction site. There is a staircase that leads to the sixth Relic Point terminal.

Relic Point seven—Stadium car vendor: From the circular vendor area in the stadium, head towards the northwest corner. Go up the stairs, and you’ll find the seventh Relic Point location at the top.

Relic Point eight—Terra Cognita crime zone: Go to the southern end of the long highway east of Dogtown and enter Terra Cognita. Fight through the crime scene and enter the abandoned mall. The eighth Relic Point is at the top of the escalator on the right.

Relic Point nine—Parking garage near the highway: Between the safehouse and the long highway on the east end of Dogtown, you’ll find a former parking garage. Go up the yellow staircase outside the building to find the ninth Relic Point at the top.

In addition to these nine Relic Points, you will earn the remaining six Relic Points by progressing through the Phantom Liberty DLC. Songbird gives you three Relic Points at the start of the DLC, and you will receive three more during the mission “Birds With Broken Wings,” which is the eighth mission of the DLC.

Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty, Relic Points, build options, unique, exciting, progress, tree, perks, Dogtown, Songbird.