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Johnny Silverhand’s Survival in Cyberpunk 2077 Confirmed with Concrete Evidence

Legendary rocker and anti-corporation icon Johnny Silverhand found alive after three years

It has been more than three years since the release of Cyberpunk 2077, and a recent discovery by Reddit user Amirax has shocked the gaming world. Crucial evidence has surfaced proving that Johnny Silverhand, the legendary rocker and anti-corporation sensation, is actually alive.

Many individuals, including Amirax, have received an email that has raised suspicions. The email has been closely examined, and it seems to be a long-term plan by Silverhand himself. Interestingly, all recipients in Night City, including Amirax, go by the alias ‘V’. The meaning behind this alias remains unknown, but one thing is clear: the 88-year-old Silverhand still knows how to captivate a crowd.

Keyart from Cyberpunk 2077
The headquarters of Arasaka pictured. Silverhand’s last public appearance. Image via CD Projekt Red.

Despite the passage of 50 years, Silverhand remains largely unchanged. Addressing us as ‘dear’ users, he reminds us of his successful raid on Arasaka, a powerful corporation. However, this success came at a cost – radiation poisoning. Unfortunately, this has affected his cognitive abilities, resulting in sporadic grammatical errors. Nevertheless, his determination to reach out to us, despite his impairment, is truly inspiring.

Silverhand’s task for us is simple: help him retrieve his extensive resources so that he can retire and build a mansion in Nicaragua. This rare display of vulnerability reveals a different side of Silverhand. His urgent call to action is clear: “Every hour is important, please respond promptly if interested.”

User IAmMattnificent noticed a particularly defiant sign-off in the email: “f**k Arasaka”. Their endorsement of the email’s authenticity speaks volumes. Only someone as fearless and resolute as Silverhand would dare to challenge a powerful corporation like Arasaka. Over_aged was initially skeptical, but was convinced by this declaration of war.


Although some have dismissed this revelation as a scam, we must remember all that Johnny Silverhand has done for us. He risked his life to fight against the tyrannical Adam Smasher and protect our rights. We owe it to him to support his cause and ensure he receives the financial support he needs. Let’s not be swayed by those who fail to see the truth.