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Guide: Acquiring Nibbles the cat in Cyberpunk 2077

How to Adopt a Cat in Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny and V’s friendship can get even better by adopting a cat together. The process is quick and easy if you know what to do. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Where to Find Cat Food for Nibbles

The closest shop to V’s apartment that sells cat food is called Buck-a-Slice. It’s located in a roundabout area in Kabuki, just north of V’s apartment.

How to Feed Nibbles the Cat

After purchasing the cat food, head back to Megabuilding 10. Take a left after exiting your apartment and follow the hallway until it turns right. You’ll see a row of dumpsters with a red trash barrel at the end. Approach the trash barrel and you’ll find a readable slate that says “Feed Teh Cat”. Place the cat food in the bowl on the floor, and wait.

Check Back After Placing the Cat Food

If Nibbles doesn’t appear after 24 hours, complete a random gig and check back. Alternatively, you can wait for two days in V’s apartment and then return to the cat bowl.

When Nibbles finally arrives at the bowl, approach him and pet him. This will trigger a time jump where V pets Nibbles in a laundry basket in their apartment. Nibbles will then become your permanent pet in the apartment.

Now Johnny and V can enjoy the company of their new cat, Nibbles!

Cyberpunk 2077, cat adoption, cat food, Nibbles, V’s apartment