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Cyberpunk: A Guide to Completing the Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Quest in Phantom Liberty

Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos: A Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Mission

The Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos mission is a crucial part of the Phantom Liberty DLC storyline in Cyberpunk 2077. It is only accessible if you side with Reed and betray Songbird in the Firestarter mission.

In this mission, V and Solomon Reed strategize an attack on the MaxTac convoy with the aim of freeing Songbird. With Songbird going cyberpsycho after V’s betrayal and Alex’s death at the hands of Kurt Hansen, tensions are high. Taking on MaxTac adds another obstacle to your mission of helping Songbird, if she’s willing to listen.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Mission Walkthrough

Find a Capable Netrunner or Call Mr. Hands for Assistance

After the Firestarter mission, Reed asks you to find a skilled netrunner to track the MaxTac convoy’s route. The available options depend on your progress in the base game of Cyberpunk 2077.

The netrunners may not all be available, but here are the options:


Nix can be hired if you helped him at the Afterlife club. He is a friend of Rogue and provides classic Cyberware. Choosing Nix has no issues or consequences.

Carol Emeka

Available if you completed a side quest for the Aldecado’s Nomad group. Carol can’t hack MaxTac, but she will offer you an item as a reward.

Sandra Dorset

Sandra is only available if you saved her from scavs in a side mission. She can hack MaxTac easily but requests that you quick-hack a downed MaxTac agent for her.

Chang-Hoon Nam

Available if you saved Chang-Hoon in a side mission. However, choosing him will fry his brain and force him to leave Night City. It’s advised not to pick him.

Yoko (Mr. Hands’s Netrunner)

An in-game screenshot of the character Yoko from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Yoko’s services come at a hefty price. Screenshot by .

If you choose Mr. Hands’s netrunner, be prepared to pay 15,000 eddies. This option costs a lot but provides a skilled netrunner. You can also give Yoko the coordinates of the ambush location.

Once you’ve chosen a netrunner, meet them at the designated location to plan their part in the assault.

Head to the Abandoned Motel

After settling the netrunner situation, go to the abandoned motel to meet Reed. You can optionally speak to Johnny for his perspective on the situation.

Plan the Ambush or Let the Gang Member Do It

An in-game screenshot of the convoy ambush plan from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Get your strategy hat on to form your ambush plan. Screenshot by .

Talk to a gang member outside who offers to set up the traps for the ambush. Alternatively, you can plan the ambush yourself. You have options for turrets or mines, smoke grenades, and your position in the battle.

Turrets or Mines

Choose between setting up turrets on the motel terrace or using mines to stop the vehicles. Mines can be placed on the road or stairs to prevent enemy access. Consider picking turrets as the convoy stops regardless, and you’ll need the extra firepower.

Smoke Grenades

Using smoke grenades can confuse in the fight but hinders Reed’s sniping. Consider Reed’s usefulness before opting for smoke grenades.

Your Position

Choose between the terrace, stairs, or sky bridge for your position. Each has its advantages, so decide based on your preferred weapon and playstyle.

Chat with Reed

An in-game screenshot of the character Solomon Reed from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Let’s talk about our feelings. Screenshot by .

Talk to Reed and discuss your plan. You can push him to talk about his feelings, revealing his fear for Songbird. Johnny also appears, expressing his thoughts on Reed’s hopefulness. Reed notices your change in behavior and asks if you’re communicating with Songbird.

Text Mr. Hands (Optional)

If you chose Mr. Hands’s netrunner, you can text him the coordinates of the ambush location.

Get into Position and Begin the NCPD Battle

An in-game screenshot of the convoy ambush from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Let the battle commence. Screenshot by .

Select your position and wait for the convoy to arrive. Take down the NCPD officers defending the convoy. Go to the main truck and open the back doors.

Fight the MaxTac Operators

An in-game screenshot of one of the MaxTac operators from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Take down the MaxTac operators by pairing your skills with Reed’s sniping. Screenshot by .

When encountering the MaxTac operators, prioritize taking out Jasper Collins to prevent interference with your cybernetics. Coordinate your attacks with Reed’s shots to defeat the operators.

Check on Reed (Optional)

An in-game screenshot of the character Solomon Reed from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Reed will send you on ahead whilst he patches himself up. Screenshot by .

After the battle, check on Reed, who has been injured. He tells you to go after Songbird while he recovers.

Chase Songbird

An in-game screenshot of the character V from the game Cyberpunk 2077
The mission ends when you reach this area. Screenshot by .

Follow the map markers or scan the area for tire tracks left by Songbird’s truck. Investigate the area to conclude the mission and start the next part of the Phantom Liberty narrative.

Final Verdict on the Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Mission in Phantom Liberty

An in-game screenshot of the Pacifica district from the game Cyberpunk 2077
Moments before disaster. Screenshot by .

While there aren’t major decisions to make in this mission, the ambush planning allows for strategic thinking. It’s clear that Songbird remains angry, and forgiveness is not likely in the near future.