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Cyberpunk 2077: Guide to Complete the Treating Symptoms Quest in Phantom Liberty

Completing the Treating Symptoms Quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC

In the new Phantom Liberty DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, one of the side quests you will encounter is called “Treating Symptoms.” In this gig, you need to infiltrate the hideout of the Voodoo Boys gang to take down one of their netrunners. The gig is located in the outskirts of the Dogtown district.

A Voodoo Boys hacker named Milko Alexis is blackmailing Mr. Hands’s client, Indira Barazza. Your task is to eliminate Milko and ensure that Indira no longer has to live in fear of the Voodoo Boys. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of completing the Treating Symptoms quest and discuss the final decision you’ll need to make.

Go to the Voodoo Boys’ Hideout

Your first objective is to reach the Voodoo Boys’ base of operations, which is located in the Luxor High Wellness Spa. Despite its name, this won’t be a relaxing spa day for you, as you’ll face numerous members of the Voodoo Boys crew. After accepting the gig from Mr. Hands, a marker will appear on your map guiding you to the spa.

To enter the spa, you can simply go through the front door, as there is only one guard. You can either engage in a loud battle or take a stealthier approach to eliminate the guard and sneak into the building.

Taking the Stealthy Route

If you prefer a stealthier approach, be aware that there are cameras and gang members throughout the area. Having hacking abilities can be helpful for disabling cameras. If you don’t have this ability, you’ll need to be more cautious to avoid detection. There is an option to turn off all the cameras, but you’ll need to be somewhat stealthy at the start to do so.

When entering through the main entrance, a large door on the left can be opened forcefully if your Body skill level is at least 10. In this room, there are two guards facing away from you. Take them out quietly and proceed through the room until you reach a corridor that appears to have been created by blowing a hole in the wall. Follow this corridor to a security area with a terminal where you can disable all the security cameras.

Run and Gun

If you prefer a more aggressive approach, going in guns blazing is also an option without any significant consequences. The ultimate outcome of the mission depends more on the final decision you make, rather than how violent your actions are.

Go Up the Stairs in the Main Building

Regardless of your chosen route, following the map marker will lead you up the stairs. From there, the marker will guide you to the right. You can explore to the left for scavenging if you wish.

Have a Chat with the Supplier (Optional)

There is an optional dialogue available with a Voodoo Boys supplier hiding out in a small server room. This room is located through the first doorway on the right after going up the stairs. Speaking to the supplier can provide extra assistance for an upcoming boss fight.

If you choose to talk to the supplier, you’ll find him cowering among the shelves. Ask him about Milko and either punch him or pay him to gain information on how to defeat the robot boss in the next room. This assistance is optional but can be helpful in the upcoming battle.

Neutralize the Robots

If you decide not to talk to the supplier, proceed straight into the main server room as indicated by the mission marker. A tough fight against robots awaits you here, so make sure you have your most powerful weapons ready. If you did talk to the supplier, some servers on the walls may be sparking. Shoot these servers when the robots are nearby to damage the enemies.

After defeating the robots, loot the Robot R MK. 2 to obtain the Ogou Iconic Smart Pistol.

Talk to Alan the Netrunner to Decide Milko’s Fate

Once the robots are dealt with, follow the mission marker down a corridor to a room where you’ll find a random netrunner with Milko Alexis. This netrunner is an agent called Alan Noel, who has been undercover within the Voodoo Boys. You will be given a choice to either allow Alan to continue his undercover operation by sparing Milko or carry out your orders and kill Milko immediately.

If you choose to kill Milko without listening to Alan, he will become angry but won’t attack you. You’ll be instructed to leave immediately, and the gig will be complete. Alternatively, you can listen to Alan’s explanation of his operation and then kill Milko, resulting in Alan attacking you. In either case, you can loot Alan’s corpse for his keycard, dog tag, and the Kanabo melee weapon. You can also loot Milko’s corpse for the Unity pistol.

If you let Alan continue his undercover operation, you’ll be contacted by NetWatch in the future and rewarded with additional eddies for your cooperation. Mr. Hands will inform you that Indira is safe due to around-the-clock protection.

Final Verdict on the Treating Symptoms Mission in Phantom Liberty

There isn’t a significant difference in the mission’s consequences based on your decision. However, allowing Alan to continue his operation tends to be the better choice, as you’ll receive more money later on. The weapons and items obtained during the mission are moderate in quality, but the additional Eurodollars for cooperating with NetWatch provide a better bonus.

If you value morality and monetary rewards over weapons and violence, choosing to let Alan continue his work to dismantle the Voodoo Boys and their crime syndicate is the recommended option.

Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty, Treating Symptoms, Voodoo Boys, side quest, DLC, mission, walkthrough, stealth, gunfight, decision, outcome.