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Cyberpunk 2077: Evaluating the Decision to Accept Fiona’s Offer in Phantom Liberty

Influence Your Destiny in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 is renowned for its captivating RPG elements, offering players the ability to shape their character’s destiny. In the Phantom Liberty DLC, there is one choice that has been stirring up conversations online. This choice is part of the Talent Academy side job, a seemingly straightforward task that presents a surprisingly challenging decision.

To navigate this decision, read on for guidance on which choice you should make.

The Talent Academy Gig

In this job, your mission is to infiltrate a prestigious sports academy located in Dogtown. Fiona, the academy’s owner, is suspected of using the facility to evade taxes. Disguised as a scout for the San Diego Shredders team, you must gain access to the academy and extract data from the contracted scouts. As you progress, Johnny Silverhand raises an ethical concern about the cyberware implants being used on the young athletes to enhance their performance. This concern intensifies when you meet Tommie, a rising young athlete who appears timid and apprehensive about their situation.

You have the option to approach this gig with stealth or power, either sneaking your way through the Talent Academy to reach the computers or engaging in combat with anyone in your path. Regardless of your playstyle, you will ultimately face Fiona as the final boss. It is during this confrontation that she presents you with an offer.

Fiona’s Offer in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty

Fiona proposes a controlled leak, sharing the information of some of her secondary clients while keeping others protected. She emphasizes that this compromise will satisfy Mr. Hands, who only seeks information and a list of names. However, Johnny Silverhand brings up the valid point that children who don’t adapt well to cyberware often end up on the streets anyway.

Although this decision may seem morally challenging, it ultimately does not impact the mission’s outcome. If you choose the controlled leak, Mr. Hands remains oblivious, allowing the operation to continue. This means children will still receive unethical cyberware implants but gain opportunities in return. On the other hand, if you decline the controlled leak, you will expose and shut down the flawed operation, leaving the children to fend for themselves. You may even encounter Tommie later, working for the scavs on the streets.

Remember, the choice you make in this particular quest holds no significant bearing on the overall story or objective. It solely involves the outcome of the Talent Academy gig.

Make your decision wisely, and experience the consequences of your choices in the vibrant and immersive world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty DLC, Talent Academy, RPG, choice, destiny, infiltration, sports academy, cyberware implants, ethical dilemma, Fiona, controlled leak, Mr. Hands, Tommie