The Intriguing New Apex Legends Lore Trailer
A new Apex Legends lore trailer is causing fans to put their tinfoil hats on and try to figure out where the story’s heading. Today, we got a glimpse of the interest Alter has in Horizon—but we also got a potential look at the game’s newest battle royale playground.
Unveiling Horizon’s Mysterious Device
The new trailer finally pulls back the curtain on the device Horizon found in the season 20 launch trailer, as well as Horizon’s continued attempts to make it back to Newton, her son whom she was separated from by time, space, and Ash. Horizon’s attempts to get the device to work as a means of time travel aren’t going anywhere, but Alter shows up to stir the pot (and reveal the scene behind that “shoving you in a closet” dialogue interaction with Lifeline).
Alter’s Connection to Horizon
Alter, it turns out, has met many different Horizons in other dimensions and claims she wants to help Horizon get back to Newton.
The Time Travel Conundrum
Given Alter’s lore on the official Apex website that she’s drawn to cataclysm, the same person has ended worlds in several other dimensions, and her obsession with Horizon and helping her out, the logical jump here is that Horizon most likely is that person that destroyed the world in other dimensions. Time travel is messy, after all, and it’s a pretty logical jump that starting a big new time travel event horizon could inadvertently open up a temporal anomaly with the power to erase all things, or something like that.
And if you’re not a lore nerd like me, there’s also the other big tease from this trailer: the setting. The fight between Alter and Horizon takes place at Humbert Labs, which previously has been most notable in the Apex lore for being Caustic’s former place of employment. But the structures should also be very familiar to anyone keeping up with past map leaks.
The past images made public by leaker Osvaldatore include Humbert labs as a POI on the alleged next map to come to Apex, known only as “District” at this time. While the gas in the trailer obscures the full structure at the end, it’s clear the Humbert Labs tower and the distinctive amphitheater-like structure to its right are nearly identical to the images leaked from the purported new map.
The tower in the leak even bears the scars of a significant crash—quite possibly the same ones from Alter crashing the helicopter into the tower in the newest trailer.
While all leaks have to be taken with a grain of salt, the new trailer makes the District leaks seem all the more credible and points to players having a new map to play on sooner rather than later. And with plenty of streets, markets, lights, and even the possibility of a night-time map, such a map would quickly become a favorite in the community.