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BetMakers Unveils Innovative Wagering Terminal Monitoring Solution: OneWatch

BetMakers Introduces OneWatch: A Comprehensive Wagering Terminal Tool

BetMakers Technology Group has launched OneWatch, an innovative wagering terminal monitoring and analytics tool. With this new solution, BetMakers aims to revolutionize wagering terminal support operations by transitioning them from manual and reactive to smart and proactive.

OneWatch offers a range of features that empower BetMakers and its Global Tote division to provide efficient terminal maintenance and support services. Some of the key features include:

– Centralized Monitoring: The entire wagering terminal estate can be monitored through a single, consolidated dashboard.
– Real-Time Status Indicators: Receive alerts and general health reports in real-time.
– Historical Data: Access historical data for analysis, performance metrics, and data-driven decision making.
– Dashboard Integration: Seamlessly integrate with third-party automation tools.

Global Tote’s operations teams will utilize OneWatch to manage thousands of BetLine Series wagering terminals deployed across the US for racetrack and off-track betting operators. OneWatch will also provide Global Tote clients with valuable insights into their BetLine terminals, including a centralized dashboard and historical information for reporting and analysis. Furthermore, clients who own BetLine terminals outright can leverage OneWatch to enhance terminal performance, implement proactive service strategies, and drive higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Karl Begg, Chief Technology Officer of BetMakers Technology Group, expressed the company’s commitment to simplifying betting and improving the wagering experience. He emphasized the importance of comprehensive oversight of critical wagering terminal systems and how OneWatch enables support teams to achieve this goal.

BetMakers continues to invest in technologies and services that transform the global racing industry and elevate the wagering experience. The BetLine Series of wagering terminals and the OneWatch Terminal monitoring solution are just a few examples of these ongoing efforts.

BetMakers, OneWatch, wagering terminal, monitoring, analytics, support services, centralized dashboard, real-time alerts, historical data, proactive service, customer satisfaction.