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‘Zero Concerns’: Draskyl Instructs Grubby in Emulating Arteezy’s Carry Playstyle

Pro Warcraft III Player Grubby Receives Coaching from Dota 2 Pro Players

Manuel Schenkhuizen, also known as Grubby, is a 36-year-old professional Warcraft III player. He is currently participating in an A to Z challenge and making progress on the ranked ladder. Grubby’s passion and positive personality have caught the attention of Dota 2 pro players and personalities.

Grubby has previously received coaching from renowned players such as Ceb, Gorgc, and SirActionSlacks. Now, he is being mentored in the carry role by Andy “Draskyl” Stiles. Draskyl, a former Heroes of Newerth professional player and current Dota 2 caster, had valuable insights to share with Grubby about playing the position one role.

One of the most renowned carry players in the Dota 2 community is Artour Babaev, also known as Arteezy or RTZ. Both professional and pub players look up to him for his exceptional skills in the carry role, often considering him a cut above the rest when it comes to decision-making in the game.

While Arteezy’s decisions may seem unique to some players, Draskyl simplified his gameplay elements for Grubby. He explained that as a position one player, Grubby has the highest farm priority and is often the win condition for his team. Position one players decide when to farm and when to engage in fights. Teams prioritize creating space for their carry to farm, and Arteezy’s playstyle embodies this concept.

Image via Valve

Draskyl’s advice aligns with the current meta, where longer games emphasize farming and hitting creeps. The recent introduction of the Flagbearer creep further reinforces this playstyle. Whether Grubby integrates this advice into his own gameplay remains to be seen.

Esports, Warcraft III, Grubby, Dota 2, pro player, A to Z challenge, ranked ladder, coaching, Ceb, Gorgc, SirActionSlacks, Andy Stiles, Draskyl, carry role, Heroes of Newerth, Artour Babaev, Arteezy, RTZ, decision-making, position one, farm priority, win condition, playstyle, Dota 2 community, game meta, Flagbearer creep, integration