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Yatoro showcases incredible dominance in Dota 2 pubs with an often overlooked hero

Juggernaut’s Win Streak in Dota 2 Raises Eyebrows

Dota 2’s recent 7.33c patch brought about significant changes to the game, and one player’s outstanding win streak has caught the attention of the community. Team Spirit’s Yatoro has achieved a 92.3 percent win rate with Juggernaut, one of the most popular heroes in Dota 2. This impressive performance has sparked intrigue and suggests that Juggernaut might be a game-changer in the current meta.

Juggernaut, while not seen as particularly impressive recently due to some nerfs in previous patches, has shown great potential in Yatoro’s hands. Overall, Juggernaut’s win rate stands at 49 percent, and at the highest level of play, it drops even lower to 45.3 percent. However, Yatoro’s success indicates that the hero may not be utilized to its full potential by most players.

Yatoro’s item build is relatively standard, starting with Tangos, an Iron branch, a Circlet, a Quelling Blade, and a Magic Stick. If necessary, he replaces the Circlet with Slippers of Agility if he loses gold during the picking phase. He then progresses to build Magic Wand, Wraith Band, Battle Fury, Yasha, Manta Style or Sange and Yasha. Depending on the situation, he opts for Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Nullifier, Aghanim’s Scepter, Blink Dagger, or Black King Bar to further enhance his capabilities.

Image via Valve
Image via Valve

Yatoro’s success can be attributed to his impeccable timing and decision-making during fights. Additionally, Juggernaut’s early damage from Blade Fury proves advantageous against offlaners who rush Vanguard. This allows Yatoro to secure early kills and participate in early team fights, which Juggernaut excels at once he obtains his ultimate ability.

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After the laning phase, Yatoro adopts an aggressive farming pattern by pushing the enemy’s lanes and farming their ancients. If the opportunity arises, he also farms the enemy’s triangle, depriving them of potential gold while increasing his own income. This strategy ensures that he exerts maximum pressure while remaining safe due to Juggernaut’s ability to teleport away while spinning with Blade Fury. If necessary, Yatoro sticks to his team’s triangle and ancients, focusing on farming and pushing his own lane.

Yatoro’s success with Juggernaut suggests that the hero has untapped potential in the right hands. Whether other players can replicate this level of performance or if Yatoro’s exceptional skills play a significant role remains to be seen.

Dota 2, Juggernaut, Yatoro, win rate, meta, hero, patch, professional scene, item build, strategy, farming pattern