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What is the bug tracker for Dota 2?

Dota 2 Bug Tracker: A New System for Reporting Bugs and Errors

If you visit Dota 2’s subreddit, you might think that the game hasn’t received a patch in years. While Valve is known for taking its time with major content updates, they have usually been prompt with bug fixes.

However, Valve recently made a change in their approach to bug fixes. They have started keeping track of bug reports from both the Dota 2 subreddit and the official forums. Jeff Hill, an employee at Valve, has been actively responding to these bug threads and has introduced a new way for players to submit bugs and errors. This new system will help Valve in managing and addressing these issues effectively.

The Dota 2 bug tracker is a public Github issue tracker. Players can submit issues and errors they encounter in Dota 2, and other players can vote to prioritize their visibility. This system enables Valve to identify which errors need to be fixed first.

How to Report a Problem in Dota 2

To report a problem or error in the game, you need to visit the Dota 2 bug tracker and create a Github account if you don’t already have one. Once you have an account, you can submit a bug report by clicking on the green “New issue” button.

When submitting your report, make sure it follows the provided format and includes the following information:

  • Match ID
  • A clear description of the bug
  • Timestamp when the bug occurs
  • Steps to reproduce the bug
  • Images and videos demonstrating the bug

Before creating a bug report, search for existing cases of the same bug. It’s possible that someone else has already reported it, and you can simply upvote their report instead of creating a new one.

Dota 2, bug tracker, report problem, Valve, bug fixes, Github.