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Valve Sneakily Releases Patch for Dota 2, Enhances Dawnbreaker’s Abilities

Dawnbreaker’s Win Rate Improves with Latest Patch in Dota 2

The latest addition to Dota 2’s hero roster, Dawnbreaker, initially struggled to make her mark in the game. Despite her user-friendly abilities, her win rate remained below 40%. However, a recent patch has given her a significant boost and allowed her win rate to soar above 50%. These changes have received positive feedback from the community and are expected to further increase her win rate as players become more familiar with her playstyle.

Optimal Playstyle and Role for Dawnbreaker

Based on player experiences, Dawnbreaker appears to thrive in the off-lane position, whether as a core or support. It is recommended to focus on acquiring aura and durability items that enhance her survivability in prolonged engagements. With these strategies in mind, players can maximize Dawnbreaker’s potential and make a significant impact in games.

Updates to Dawnbreaker and General Gameplay

Here are the changes introduced for Dawnbreaker, along with some minor tweaks to general Dota 2 gameplay:


  • Adjusted small lane camp spawn boxes.
  • Death caused by neutrals or Roshan no longer grants TP scrolls, similar to an increased respawn timer.


  • General
    • Increased strength gain from 3.2 to 3.8.
    • Raised base armor by two.
  • Starbreaker (Q)
    • Reduced self-stun duration at the end from 0.3 to 0.2.
  • Celestial Hammer (W)
    • Increased trail burn damage from 20 to 20/30/40/50.
  • Luminosity (E)
    • Improved healing from heroes from 25/30/35/40% to 30/40/50/60%.
  • Solar Guardian (R)
    • Increased heal per pulse from 40/55/70 to 45/70/95.
    • Expanded radius from 400 to 500.
    • Extended stun duration from 1.1/1.3/1.5 to 1.5/1.75/2.

With these changes, players can better utilize Dawnbreaker’s abilities and greatly amplify their impact within the game.

Related Dawnbreaker, Dota 2, hero, win rate, patch, changes, skills, gameplay, off-lane, core, support, strategy