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Valve Protracts Collector’s Cache Call to Arms Deadline, Hints at Imminent 2020 Battle Pass

Valve Extends Deadline for Collector’s Cache Call to Arms in Dota 2 Battle Pass

Valve has extended the deadline for the Collector’s Cache Call to Arms in the Dota 2 Battle Pass. You now have until Sunday, May 3 to submit themed hero cosmetics for consideration.

The Collector’s Cache is an important part of each year’s Dota 2 Battle Pass. These cosmetics are available for purchase for just one month, and the proceeds contribute to The International’s immense prize pool, which exceeded $34 million last year.

Related: The top 10 highest prize pools in esports

The Call to Arms is an opportunity for workshop artists to submit themed hero cosmetics for consideration to be included in the yearly Battle Pass.

The extension suggests that plans for The International 2020 are still in progress.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Dota Pro Circuit remains uncertain. Many Dota 2 Majors have already been canceled, but online leagues like WePlay! Pushka League and the FACEIT Pro League have emerged to fill the void of esports content.

It is unclear whether the tenth edition of The International will need to be converted to an online event, and how Valve will handle the logistical challenges associated with such a decision.

The Battle Pass will likely provide some relief for fans. It will offer new cosmetics, quests, and potentially a new game mode to keep Dota 2 players engaged and satisfied.

Valve, Collector’s Cache, Call to Arms, Dota 2, Battle Pass, The International, themed hero cosmetics, deadline extension, COVID-19 pandemic, Dota Pro Circuit, esports content