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Valve Introduces a Fresh Method to Accumulate Guild Points through Game Participation

Valve Introduces New Way to Earn Guild Points in Dota 2

Valve has silently added a new method for players to earn Guild Points in Dota 2. Rather than completing specific challenges, players can now earn points simply by playing more games.

If you are part of a guild, you may have noticed your guild points increasing by odd numbers without any official announcement from the developer.

Guilds and The International 10 Battle Pass

Guilds can only be created by Battle Pass owners, but all players have the ability to join one. With a maximum of 50 members, guilds provide a small community where players can work together to achieve communal goals and level up their guild.

The reintroduction of guilds in Dota 2 comes with the release of Valve’s The International 10 Battle Pass. Guilds were initially removed from the game during the Dota 2 Reborn overhaul in 2015.

Changes to Guild Points

Previously, Guild Points could only be earned by completing guild challenges and contracts. Challenges were only counted when three or more guild members played together, while contracts were individual tasks.

This system posed difficulties for smaller guilds and solo players who preferred to play alone. Guild challenges were challenging to complete, and solo players could only contribute through completing contracts.

The Benefits of High Guild Levels

Although Guild Points do not directly affect Battle Pass levels, higher guild levels come with several benefits. At levels three and 10, additional daily contract slots are unlocked. Levels seven and 15 provide a wider pool of contract options. Completing contracts not only benefits the guild but also gives a small boost towards the player’s Battle Pass level.

Valve has not released specific numbers about Guild Points rewards, but it seems that players can earn around 30 points for losing a match. Additional points may be awarded for winning streaks.

With this new update, Dota 2 players have more opportunities to earn Guild Points and progress in their guild. Whether playing in a group or solo, Guild Points can be earned by simply playing more games.

Dota 2, Valve, Guild Points, Guilds, Battle Pass, Challenges, Contracts