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Valve assures benefits for Artifact creators and hints at upcoming cards featuring temporary artwork

Valve Provides Update on Upcoming Artifact Rework

Valve has posted another update today regarding the upcoming rework of Artifact. The developer has outlined the reasons for wanting to reboot the card game, emphasizing its focus on gameplay and teasing new content that the team has been working on.

This update comes after Valve revealed a brief roadmap of Artifact 2.0 last Monday, which referenced popular community memes.

The developers chose to rework Artifact 1.0 due to their love for the original game’s sense of creativity and their desire to fix broken elements. They thanked the community for sharing the same feelings.

However, there is still a lot of hard work ahead for the developers to bring the game’s special qualities to the forefront. They have promised original Artifact players who have invested time and money in building a collection will receive special rewards, but this process is still in progress.

The focus of the upcoming revision continues to be on gameplay. The developers have encouraged fans to provide direct feedback via email, in order to ensure a strong foundation for the game.

Valve has released some new cards with placeholder art to keep fans satisfied for now.

Interestingly, Valve has reduced the scaling of stats on Artifact 2.0’s cards to make balancing easier.


One of the heroes introduced in Artifact 2.0 is Mirana, a Black card with powerful abilities. Her Sacred Arrow signature ability allows her to stun or kill heroes and creeps in any lane. She also has a Leap ability that switches lanes and buffs neighboring units, making her a versatile and valuable hero.

Wraith King, a Green hero, has the ability to reincarnate once on deploy thanks to his Death Shield ability. Additionally, his Hellfire Blast signature ability can stun targets, potentially applying a damage-over-time effect.


Sticky Greevil is a low-cost blocker that can root enemies, limiting their movement. Valve has indicated that there will be an increased amount of movement in Artifact 2.0, allowing for more mobile heroes and units.

Morphling Whelp is a Blue card that can copy both innate and active abilities of other cards.

Defenestrating Ogre is another Blue card that returns blockers to the opponent’s hand, potentially refreshing abilities.


Sheep Stick is an item that can hex targets, transforming them into sheep.

Artifact 2.0 appears to be expanding options for mobility and crowd control, making the game more dynamic to play. Valve will need to carefully balance these new cards to ensure gameplay remains fair and enjoyable.

This update is a promising start, and Valve will likely continue to keep the Artifact community updated on their progress.

Valve, Artifact 2.0, card game, update, gameplay, heroes, creeps, items