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Top Heroes and Items to Counter Muerta in Dota 2

Dota 2 Patch 7.32e Introduces Muerta and Balance Changes

Dota 2 Patch 7.32e, also known as the Dead Reckoning update, introduced a new hero named Muerta along with several minor balance changes. Although Muerta is a powerful hero, her damage output and positioning can be challenging for newer players. If you’re looking to learn more about how to play Muerta effectively, you’re in the right place.

Counter Strategies Against Muerta

Now that you know how powerful Muerta can be, what should you do if you encounter her on the opposing team? We’ve got you covered with a list of the best heroes and items to counter this ghostly markswoman of death.

Best Heroes to Counter Muerta

While we continue to discover Muerta’s strengths and weaknesses, there are a few heroes that stand out as direct counters to this spectral headhunter.


As a high-armor hero who builds Pipe of Insight, Axe is effective against Muerta’s magic damage. The magic barrier provided by Pipe of Insight negates most of Muerta’s burst damage potential. Additionally, Axe eventually builds Black King Bar, which completely shuts down Muerta. On the offensive end, Axe’s spells bypass Muerta’s protections, making him a formidable opponent.


Jakiro is a great counter to Muerta thanks to his ability to slow her attack speed with Liquid Fire. Muerta’s lack of mobility skills makes it easy for Jakiro to keep her in place with Ice Path while dealing damage with Macropyre. Jakiro’s spells also do more damage to Muerta when she goes ethereal, giving him an advantage in the matchup.


Juggernaut’s magic immunity during Blade Fury makes him immune to Muerta’s damage and control effects. With Aghanim’s Shard, Juggernaut can easily dispatch Muerta while she is ethereal in Pierce The Veil. Building a Nullifier allows Juggernaut to finish her off quickly after his Blade Fury ends.


Similar to Juggernaut, Lifestealer’s Rage counters Muerta’s abilities effectively. With Feast and Ghoul Frenzy, Lifestealer can sustain himself and deal significant damage to Muerta. His Open Wounds also provides an opportunity for his teammates to burst her down once she’s been nullified or hexed.

Nyx Assassin

Nyx Assassin is naturally strong against heroes with low Strength and high Intelligence like Muerta. His Mana Burn ability deals more damage the more Intelligence a hero has. Nyx can use Vendetta to escape or initiate, making him a dangerous foe for Muerta. With Spiked Carapace, Nyx can stun Muerta through her abilities without her even seeing him, further increasing his threat level.

Best Items to Counter Muerta

If the aforementioned heroes are not available, there are several items that can help counter Muerta’s abilities.

  • Black King Bar – Provides spell immunity, rendering Muerta’s spells ineffective during its duration.
  • Bloodthorn – Silences Muerta, preventing her from using her spells effectively. Also amplifies crit damage from the entire team.
  • Nullifier – Renders Muerta vulnerable to physical damage by shutting down her ultimate ability.
  • Pipe of Insight – Negates Muerta’s magic damage, reducing her burst potential significantly.
  • Revenant’s Brooch – Can be used against Muerta to deal bonus attack speed and magical damage when she is in her ethereal state.
  • Scythe of Vyse – Leaves Muerta vulnerable and can quickly burst her down, especially considering her low HP pool.

It’s worth noting that there may be other powerful items out there that counter Muerta effectively but have not yet been discovered. With the multitude of hero and item combinations in Dota 2, some synergies may exist that make Muerta ineffective in the game.

Dota 2, Muerta, balance changes, hero counters, item counters, patch 7.32e, Dead Reckoning update