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Top Gains and Losses in Dota 2 Patch 7.32d

The highly anticipated game-changing patch for Dota 2 is just around the corner, but in the meantime, Valve has released a minor tweak to balance the game. Patch 7.32d, which was dropped on Tuesday, Nov. 29, includes a variety of small changes that can still have an impact on the way players have been approaching Dota 2 in recent months.

In most cases, hero changes steal the spotlight due to their significant impact on gameplay. However, patch 7.32d has taken a different approach.

The biggest loser of this patch has been the Wraith Pact item, which played a crucial role in Tundra Esports’ strategy during this year’s TI. Patch 7.32d heavily nerfed the item’s effectiveness, now only reducing physical damage. This means that it no longer affects magic or pure damage sources, allowing teams to counter it more effectively without having to search for it in the midst of a teamfight.

Losers of the Dota 2 patch 7.32d

Wraith Pact

Gone are the days when picking up a Wraith Pact meant your team had a significant advantage in terms of damage output. With the changes in patch 7.32d, Wraith Pact now only affects physical damage.


Marci, who was deemed a big loser in patch 7.32, managed to make a comeback during The International 2022 as players discovered new ways to utilize her potential. As a result, she received a second round of nerfs. Her rebound’s cast and jump range were drastically decreased, making it more difficult for her to secure kills and escape.

Winners of the Dota 2 patch 7.32d


Grimstroke, who has been out of the spotlight for some time now, received a bug fix and three buffs in patch 7.32d. Ink Swell, one of his abilities, now provides a movement speed bonus, making it more threatening in the early game. Additionally, a talent at level 15 enhances Soulbind’s spell damage, combined with the changes to Wraith Pact, making Grimstroke a viable option for teams looking to run heavy magic damage lineups.


Bristleback, known for his durability in Dota 2, lost his position as a prime carry in previous patches due to the more fight-prone early game. However, patch 7.32d gave Bristleback an opportunity to survive in the early game by increasing his base health regen by 0.75. While this may seem insignificant, these small stat changes can make a significant difference and potentially bring Bristleback back into the limelight as a dominating laner.

Dota 2, patch 7.32d, Wraith Pact, Marci, Grimstroke, Bristleback