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Top Dota 2 Heroes and Items to Counter Muerta

How to Play and Counter Muerta in Dota 2

The latest Dota 2 patch, 7.32e, introduced Muerta along with other minor balance changes. Muerta is a powerful hero but can be difficult to understand for newer players. She relies heavily on positioning. Here’s everything you need to know to play Muerta effectively.

Now that you know how to play Muerta, let’s talk about countering her if she’s on the opposing team. Here are our recommendations for the best heroes and items to counter this ghostly markswoman of death.

Best Heroes to Counter Muerta

While we’re still learning about Muerta’s strengths and weaknesses, there are a few heroes that stand out in direct defiance of this spectral headhunter.


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As a magic damage-dealing core, Muerta is not fond of high-armor heroes. Axe, with his high HP pool and items like Pipe of Insight and Black King Bar, can negate most of Muerta’s burst damage potential. His spells go through her protection, making it easier to kill her quickly.


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Jakiro’s abilities can effectively counter Muerta. Liquid Fire slows her attack speed, while Ice Path keeps her in place. Jakiro’s spells do more damage when Muerta is ethereal, and Dual Breath and Ice Path can chip her down from a safe distance.


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Juggernaut’s Blade Fury provides magic immunity, making Muerta’s spells ineffective. With Aghanim’s Shard, Juggernaut can quickly kill Muerta while spinning. A Nullifier can finish her off after Blade Fury, even if she is ethereal.


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Lifestealer’s Rage provides magic immunity like Blade Fury, making Muerta’s spells useless. With Feast and Ghoul Frenzy, Lifestealer can sustain and fight Muerta easily. Open Wounds also helps teammates burst her down.

Nyx Assassin

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Nyx Assassin is a natural counter to high Intelligence heroes like Muerta. Mana Burn deals more damage based on the target’s Intelligence. Nyx can stun Muerta with Spiked Carapace and burn her down quickly, especially when she is ethereal.

Best Items to Counter Muerta

If you can’t play the recommended heroes, these items can help counter Muerta effectively.

  • Black King Bar – Renders Muerta’s spells ineffective during its duration.
  • Bloodthorn – Silences Muerta, preventing her from casting spells and reacting to damage.
  • Nullifier – Shuts down Muerta’s ethereal state and amplifies physical damage.
  • Pipe of Insight – Negates Muerta’s magic damage potential.
  • Revenant’s Brooch – Increases attack speed and magical damage against Muerta in her ethereal state.
  • Scythe of Vyse – Leaves Muerta vulnerable to burst damage from physical or magical sources.

There may be other powerful items yet to be discovered that can counter Muerta effectively. With the variety of heroes and items in Dota 2, different combinations can create synergies to counter her gameplay and make her ineffective.