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Top 10 Dota 2 Heroes: Must-Watch Picks for Lima Major 2023 and Insights into the Current Meta

The Dota 2 meta for the Lima Major is already established. The last major patch was 7.32d on Nov. 29, which brought changes to heroes and items. However, the true meta takes time to develop.

Now that the 2023 Dota Pro Circuit Winter Tour is over, certain heroes have emerged as meta-defining picks. These heroes excel in the long, drawn-out fights that have become prevalent in this patch. They possess traits like sustainability, mobility, and game-changing abilities.

Let’s take a look at these heroes and why they are likely to dominate the Lima Major based on statistics from high-level ranked matches and professional games throughout the season.


Currently, two carry heroes stand out among the rest at the highest level—Lina and Slark. Lina has the highest win rate in high-level ranked matches, while Slark is the most-picked carry hero.


Lina, a long-range damage dealer with stunning abilities, has become an absolute powerhouse. Items like Boots of Travel, Gleipnir, Black King Bar, Silver Edge, and Satanic enhance her control, damage, survivability, and mobility.


Slark has the ability to dive in and out of battle effortlessly. Items like Echo Sabre, Diffusal Blade, Mage Slayer, Abyssal Blade, and Eye of Skadi make him a menace for spellcasters and tankier melee heroes.


In the middle lane, two heroes have been dominant this patch—Batrider and Ember Spirit. Batrider’s ability to dominate the lane and snowball in the mid game has made him a strong pick. Items like Boots of Travel, Black King Bar, Blink Dagger, Witch Blade, and Octarine Core amplify his mobility and damage.

Ember Spirit’s elusive playstyle has made him the most picked midlaner. Common items for Ember Spirit include Phase Boots, Kaya and Sange, Black King Bar, Aghanim’s Shard, Aghanim’s Scepter, and Gleipnir.


The meta offlane heroes are Death Prophet and Broodmother. Death Prophet’s increased damage and durability have made her the top offlane pick. Items like Phase Boots, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, Guardian Greaves, Black King Bar, Aghanim’s Shard, and Shiva’s Guard enhance her survivability and damage output.

Broodmother excels at pushing lanes and taking down towers, while also disrupting enemy heroes. Items like Guardian Greaves, Pipe of Insight, Aghanim’s Sceptre, Black King Bar, Orchid Malevolence, and Scythe of Vyse provide her with sustainability and control.

Soft Support

Riki and Rubick are the standout heroes in the soft support role. Riki, once primarily a core hero, is now one of the best picks for the support role. His Sleeping Dart ability paired with Aghanim’s Shard, Aether Lens, and Octarine Core make him a formidable force.

Rubick, known for his ability to steal spells, offers stun, nuke, and save capabilities. Common items for Rubick include Tranquil Boots, Aether Lens, Aghanim’s Shard, Blink Dagger or Force Staff, and Glimmer Cape.

Hard Support

Treant Protector and Mirana are the go-to hard support picks. Treant Protector received significant buffs in the last patch, making him a top pick. Items like Mekansm or Guardian Greaves, Aghanim’s Shard, Blink Dagger or Force Staff enhance his supporting capabilities.

Mirana excels at diving in and out of dangerous positions and provides crucial stuns from a distance. Items like Guardian Greaves, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, Spirit Vessel, and Force Staff or Lotus Orb enhance her effectiveness in both offensive and defensive plays.

These meta heroes are likely to shape the Lima Major and make a significant impact on the tournament’s outcome.

Dota 2, Lima Major, meta, heroes, carry, mid, offlane, soft support, hard support