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TI 2023: Early Meta Dominated by Radiant Teams in Chaos

The Meta Report for The International 2023’s Road to TI Stage

In the ongoing Road to The International, 91 matches have been played, revealing emerging trends in the meta. These trends will have an impact on the general public meta even after the tournament concludes.

Strength and Universal Attribute Heroes Dominate

The Radiant and Dire Ancients, exploding as the ground beneath them breaks apart in Dota 2.
New Frontiers had a huge effect on TI this year. Screenshot by

Strength and Universal attribute heroes have been dominating the meta in The International. According to stats from Spectral, eight out of the top 10 contested heroes are of these attributes.

Pangolier is the most popular hero so far, appearing in 84 out of 91 matches. Other notable heroes include Treant Protector, Invoker, Brewmaster, and Spirit Breaker.

The most-picked hero is Vengeful Spirit, who is valued for her Universal attribute and base kit of abilities that make her a strong safe lane support.

Chaos Knight and Sven Lead Carry Picks, But Agility Heroes Are Still Relevant

A knight in red and black armor holding a shield and an axe rides in on a war horse in Dota 2.
The Four Horseman: CK and his illusions. Image via Valve

Certain carry heroes, such as Chaos Knight and Sven, have been popular picks. Chaos Knight has a 71 percent win rate and benefits from the Armlet of Mordiggian and Echo Sabre items. Sven, on the other hand, is struggling to perform well due to being easily kited by mobile picks.

However, Agility heroes like Luna, Spectre, Void, and Naga Siren are still seeing play. Templar Assassin is also being tested, but with mixed results.

Try Kunkka as an Alternative to Pangolier

Kunkka, a pirate hero from Dota 2, summoning the ocean to his side to fight in battle.
Not even maxing Tidebringer? What is this? Image via Valve

For mid-lane heroes looking for alternatives to Pangolier, Kunkka is a viable choice. With a slightly above 50 percent win rate, Kunkka synergizes well with popular picks like Skywrath Mage and Chaos Knight. His versatile abilities allow him to fulfill both utility and damage roles.

Kunkka players typically prioritize Phase Boots, Blade Mail, and Heart of Tarrasque. Primal Beast is also dominating the mid-lane, especially against heroes like Bristleback.

Dazzle Shines as a Mid-Lane Hero

Dazzle, from Dota 2, a Shaman holding a glowing pink staff preparing to heal.
Dazzzzzzzzzzzle! Image via Valve

Surprisingly, Dazzle has been extremely successful as a mid-lane hero, boasting an 83 percent win rate. His Shadow Wave upgrade, combined with Agh’s rush, provides immense utility and damage. Dazzle’s versatility allows him to be played in various positions.

Dark Willow and Treant Protector Lead Support Picks

Treant Protector standing in a forest in Dota 2
Where’s Timbersaw when you need him? Image via Valve

Treant Protector is the most-contested support pick, while Dark Willow is finding success as an offlane support. Ancient Apparition and Muerta are also popular picks for the support role due to their abilities to delay healing and provide solid contributions in team fights.

Radiant’s 59 Percent Win Rate Raises Questions

The Radiant base in Dota 2, complete with towers, barracks, buildings, and the Ancient.
Lopsided is an understatement. Image via Valve

Interestingly, Radiant has a 59 percent win rate, leading to discussions among players about the potential advantages of playing on the Radiant side. Some players argue that the Radiant safe lane is more comfortable and offers easier access to key ward spots and jungle camps. Others believe that the buffs on the sides of the map favor Radiant’s jungle camps, making them tankier than Dire’s jungle camps.

The true implications of Radiant’s win rate are still being debated, and further matches will shed more light on this trend.

12 Heroes Yet to Make an Impact

After 91 matches, 12 heroes have gone uncontested in drafts: Abaddon, Dragon Knight, Leshrac, Lion, Magnus, Meepo, Phantom Lancer, Shadow Shaman, Slardar, Timbersaw, Tinker, and Winter Wyvern. However, it’s worth noting that Abaddon, with its solid abilities, might make an appearance in upcoming matches.

Additionally, 11 heroes have only been picked once in drafts, including Ember Spirit, Io, and Huskar.

The final playoff bracket qualifiers are about to begin, marking the beginning of the final push for the Aegis of Champions at The International.