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These 10 Dota 2 heroes are excelling at the Berlin Major but facing challenges in public matches

Top Dota 2 Heroes in the Berlin Major and Their Performance in Pubs

In the recent Berlin Major for Dota 2, certain heroes have been dominating the tournament. However, their success in professional play doesn’t necessarily translate to success in pub matches. There are several factors that contribute to this discrepancy.

One reason could be that regular Dota players are not utilizing these heroes properly in pubs, or they may not work as effectively in a less coordinated team. Another possibility is that players are picking these heroes based on their performance in the Berlin Major without fully understanding how to play them.

Regardless of the reason, there are 10 heroes in particular with significant win rate discrepancies. Some have a difference as large as 30 percent between their win rates in the Berlin Major and in pubs, according to data from Liquipedia and DotaBuff.

Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit has been a popular pick in the Berlin Major, with a 56 percent win rate. Elite players have been able to take advantage of his mobility and coordination with support heroes like Pugna. However, in pubs, Storm Spirit’s win rate drops to 49.33 percent, highlighting the importance of coordinated team play.


Pugna has been a surprise pick in the tournament, with a 75 percent win rate. His ability to synergize with heroes like Storm Spirit has made him effective in pro play. However, in pubs, Pugna’s win rate is much lower at 48.73 percent. This could be due to the lack of coordination and precise skill usage found in professional teams.


Phoenix, a hard support hero, has a 55.56 percent win rate in the Berlin Major. Pro teams have successfully utilized Phoenix’s ultimate and abilities to turn team fights in their favor. However, in pubs, Phoenix’s win rate drops to 48.63 percent. Inefficient use of abilities, particularly Supernova, could be contributing to this lower win rate.

Keeper of the Light

Keeper of the Light has been performing well in the Major with a 76 percent win rate. His constant uptime and utility make him a valuable asset in the current meta. However, in pubs, Keeper of the Light’s win rate is significantly lower at 46.96 percent. This could be attributed to static or overly aggressive playstyles among pub players.


While these heroes have been thriving in the Berlin Major, their performance in pubs is less impressive. The discrepancy in win rates can be attributed to factors such as coordination, skill usage, and understanding of the current meta. As players continue to adapt to the New Frontiers update, it will be interesting to see how these win rate gaps evolve.

Storm Spirit, Pugna, Phoenix, Keeper of the Light, Beastmaster, Terrorblade, Doom, Leshrac, Timbersaw, Pangolier