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The most notable victors and casualties in Dota 2 Patch 7.34

The Winners and Losers of Dota 2 Patch 7.34

Dota 2, one of the most popular esports games, recently released its highly anticipated patch 7.34. With every new patch, there are winners and losers in the competitive scene as heroes and strategies rise and fall in effectiveness. Here are some of the biggest winners and losers of Dota 2 patch 7.34.


Magnus: Magnus received significant buffs in this patch, making him one of the biggest winners. His ability to empower and skewer enemies has been enhanced, giving him more control and damage potential. Teams are now picking Magnus more frequently due to his increased effectiveness.

Pugna: Pugna has emerged as a strong pick in this patch. His ability to drain the life from enemies and blast them with magical damage has made him a formidable threat. With the increase in magic resistance for heroes in patch 7.34, Pugna has become even more valuable as a magical nuker.

Ursa: Ursa received significant buffs in this patch, improving his survivability and damage output. With his newly enhanced abilities, Ursa has become a force to be reckoned with in the early and mid-game stages. Many teams are now utilizing Ursa’s strength to secure objectives and dominate team fights.


Invoker: Invoker has been hit hard in patch 7.34. His attribute gain, movement speed, and spell power have all been decreased, making him less effective in both the early and late game. Teams are now opting for other heroes with higher impact and versatility.

Pangolier: Pangolier has fallen out of favor in this patch due to significant nerfs to his abilities. His damage, attack speed, and spell immunity have all been reduced, making him less viable in the current meta. Teams are now exploring other options for offlane heroes.

Shadow Demon: Shadow Demon has suffered in patch 7.34 due to changes in his ultimate ability and disruption duration. His ability to control and disrupt enemies has been weakened, making him less appealing as a support pick. Teams are now considering alternative heroes with stronger crowd control abilities.

In conclusion, Dota 2 patch 7.34 has brought about both winners and losers in the competitive scene. While heroes like Magnus, Pugna, and Ursa have risen in prominence, heroes like Invoker, Pangolier, and Shadow Demon have experienced a decline in effectiveness. It will be interesting to see how the meta evolves in response to these changes.

Dota 2, patch 7.34, winners, losers, Magnus, Pugna, Ursa, Invoker, Pangolier, Shadow Demon, competitive scene