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‘The Long Break’s Impact on Teams at TI11: Insights from n0tail and Ceb’

Break in The International Tournament Provides Relief and Opportunities for Top Teams

After 11 consecutive tournaments, The International is taking a week-long break before the grand finals. This break is a welcome relief for players who have been tirelessly competing and preparing for the event.

However, not all players share the same sentiment. Team OG’s N0tail and Ceb expressed their thoughts on the break during an episode of Monkey Business Show, joined by veteran casters Sunsfan and Synderen. The episode was filmed live in Singapore.

The episode covered various topics related to the tournament, including the main stage matches and predictions for the grand finals. The remaining top four teams in the tournament are Team Secret, Team Liquid, Team Aster, and Tundra Esports.

N0tail and Ceb discussed the potential impact of the break on the gameplay, suggesting that it could lead to a shift in the meta. Teams now have the opportunity to analyze replays and develop new strategies to counter popular ones.

Each of these teams has shown exceptional performance throughout the tournament and will need to maintain their momentum during the break. Additionally, the tournament venue will be relocated from the Suntec Singapore Convention Center to the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Image via Valve

Speculations regarding the reason for the break include a postponed Justin Bieber concert originally scheduled for October 25, or the venue’s limited availability for extended bookings. Until Valve provides an official statement, these theories remain unconfirmed.

Regardless of the actual reason, the top four teams will enter the grand finals with renewed energy and determination. Whether it’s Team Secret, Team Liquid, Team Aster, or Tundra Esports, viewers can expect high-quality Dota gameplay.

The International, esports, Dota 2, grand finals, top four teams, meta-shift, replays, strategies, Singapore Indoor Stadium, speculation, high-quality gameplay.