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Team Secret dominates Alliance, clinching third consecutive championship at ESL One Birmingham Online

Team Secret Claims ESL One Birmingham Online 2020 Victory

Team Secret emerged as the champions of ESL One Birmingham Online 2020 after sweeping Alliance in a dominant performance. This victory marks Secret’s third consecutive online Dota 2 league win, following their triumphs at the WePlay! Pushka League and OGA Dota PIT 2020.

Despite facing some challenges throughout the tournament, Secret’s dominant performance in the grand finals proves that they are still the reigning European juggernauts.

A One-Sided Battle

Alliance struggled to keep up with the pace set by Team Secret throughout the series. Secret managed to secure exactly 31 kills in each of the three games, while Alliance only accumulated a total of 32 kills.

The first two games were completely dominated by Secret. Alliance’s fast-pushing lineup was repeatedly shut down by Secret’s strong defense. Secret’s aggressive playstyle, aided by the global mobility of Nature’s Prophet and a Boots of Travel Batrider, overwhelmed Alliance.

In the second game, Alliance was caught off guard by Secret’s last-minute Meepo pick. Although Alliance struggled to counter the Meepo, it was zai’s Kunkka who set up every fight on Secret’s terms, allowing Secret’s Meepo and Luna to swiftly take down Alliance’s base.

In game three, Alliance managed to put up a solid defense against Secret. A well-executed initiation by s4’s Axe, combined with Grimstroke’s Ink Swell, provided a turning point for Alliance. However, Secret’s cores continued to farm uncontested, preventing Alliance from mounting a significant offense.

Decisive Final Moments

Alliance placed their hopes on Nikobaby’s Phantom Lancer for the late game, but Secret’s cores remained strong. In a crucial misstep near the Roshan pit, Nikobaby was caught out by Secret, allowing them to seize the opportunity and secure a victory.

With this win, Team Secret has solidified their position as the dominant force in the European and CIS Dota 2 scene.

Team Secret, ESL One Birmingham Online 2020, Dota 2, Alliance, champions, dominant performance, grand finals, European, Dota 2 league, online, victorious, European juggernauts, victory, WePlay! Pushka League, OGA Dota PIT 2020, online tournament, series, kills, games, fast-pushing lineup, Chen, Death Prophet, Secret brick wall, global mobility, Nature’s Prophet, Boots of Travel Batrider, Meepo last pick, Nisha, Kunkka, solid defense, Nikobaby Phantom Lancer, offense, Roshan pit, decisive moments, European and CIS Dota 2 scene.