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Sneyking’s Unconventional Rubick Item Purchase Creates Dota 2 History, Leading to an Unexpected Victory

Jingjun “Sneyking” Wu Makes Unconventional Move with Rubick in Pro Dota 2 Match

Jingjun “Sneyking” Wu, the captain of Tundra Esports, has once again demonstrated his innovative strategies in Dota 2. Following their victory at The International 11, Sneyking surprised everyone by purchasing a Heart of Tarrasque on Rubick during a professional match. This unexpected move proved to be a game-changer for his team and secured their win against Into The Breach in the DPC Winter Tour.

South African statsman Ben “Noxville” Steenhuisen, revealed that this was the first time someone had made this purchase in nearly a decade. The only other player to have done it was a South-East Asian player named ‘nza’ or ‘bleak’, who achieved this feat in a qualification match and emerged victorious, just like Sneyking.

It’s worth noting that Heart of Tarrasque is not a commonly purchased item for Rubick due to its high cost (5,000 gold) and its ability to provide strength, health, and health regeneration. Typically, it’s favored by tank heroes. However, experienced Dota 2 players understand that there are suitable occasions for unconventional item choices, and professionals like Sneyking excel at identifying these opportunities.

In this particular match, Sneyking acquired the Heart of Tarrasque right at the end, with just two minutes remaining. Given the longevity of the game and the tankiness of the heroes involved, this purchase granted him the necessary survivability during the final fight, resulting in a clean team wipe and a victorious outcome. Despite its unconventional nature, Sneyking’s decision ultimately led his team to success.

While it may be years before we witness another professional player replicating this move, it’s highly likely that average players will attempt it in their own games, simply to emulate Sneyking’s creativity and skill.

Sneyking, Rubick, Dota 2, Heart of Tarrasque, unconventional item, professional match, strategy, innovation, team victory, DPC Winter Tour, South-East Asian player, tank heroes, gameplay, creative decision.