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Significant Changes Introduced in Dota 2 Patch 7.22g After The International 2019

Dota 2 Patch 7.22g Changes Heroes Post-TI9

Dota 2’s latest update, Patch 7.22g, brings several changes to heroes that were heavily used in The International 2019. These changes, while minor, are a good way to kickstart the post-TI9 meta shift. With no major competitive events happening during the offseason, Valve aims to balance the game.

The biggest changes are nerfs to heroes that had high usage or impressive performances at TI9. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights.


– Level 10 Talent changed to +90 Gold per minute from Spirits Apply Slow.
– Level 15 Talent changed to Spirits Apply Slow from +75 Spirits Hero Damage.
– Level 20 Talent changed to +75 Spirits Hero Damage from +150 Gold per minute.

Carry Io remains viable despite the talent changes affecting its offensive set in late-game teamfights. The nerfs allow Io to reach its full potential at the same timing as other carry heroes, avoiding steamrolling while remaining viable in its new role. Support Io might see a resurgence in pubs.


– Greevil’s Greed gold bonus per stack reduced from four to three.
– Chemical Rage no longer provides mana regeneration.
– Level 15 Talent reduced from +50 Damage to +30.
– Level 25 Talent reduced from -0.2 Chemical Rage Base Attack Time to -0.15.

Alchemist, the most contested hero at TI9, takes a significant hit. With the removal of mana regeneration from Chemical Rage and other talent nerfs, Alchemist becomes a situational pick rather than a versatile choice.


– Base damage reduced by four.
– Nature’s Attendants heal reduced from 10/11/12/13 to 7/9/11/13.
– Impetus damage reduced from 16/22/28 percent to 14/20/26 percent.

Enchantress remains playable despite the nerfs. The manageable heal scaling in the early game makes her easier to kill, but she still has a place in drafts. Although her pick rate may decrease as better options emerge.

Elder Titan

– Astral Spirit cooldown increased from 17 to 23/21/19/17.
– Astral Spirit buff is now dispellable.

Elder Titan, popular during TI9 with a 50% win rate in 175 games, receives adjustments. The cooldown increase limits the early game spirit spamming, but overall, Elder Titan remains solid.


– Holy Persuasion maximum creep level reduced from 4/5/6/6 to 3/4/5/6.
– Divine Favor heal amplification reduced from 8/12/16/20 percent to 6/10/14/18 percent.
– Divine Favor active cooldown increased from 120/100/80/60 to 140/120/100/80.
– Level 15 Talent increased from -30s Divine Favor Cooldown to -40s.

Chen, a crucial support pick in significant games, receives substantial nerfs. The passive healing ability takes a hit, and even with a better cooldown reduction at level 15, Divine Favor struggles to compete.

These are the key changes, but there are also notable buffs for heroes like Clockwerk and Drow Ranger. As the next season approaches, it’ll be interesting to see how the meta settles.

Dota 2, Patch 7.22g, heroes, changes, buffs, nerfs, meta shift, TI9, Io, Alchemist, Enchantress, Elder Titan, Chen.