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Quinn publicly criticizes Valve’s failure to nerf widely-used Dota 2 hero

Pangolier Remains Strong Despite Minor Nerfs

Pangolier, a hero in Dota 2, has managed to stay relevant despite several minor nerfs. In a recent interview, professional player Quinn Callahan expressed his surprise at how the hero continues to be picked despite the nerfs.

Concerns About Ember Spirit and Pangolier

Tsunami asked Quinn about Ember Spirit and Pangolier, two heroes that have been popular in Quinn’s hero pool. Quinn stated that people have stopped picking Ember Spirit, but he believes that Pangolier hasn’t been nerfed significantly enough to discourage players from choosing him.

Pangolier’s Win Rate and Minor Nerfs

Pangolier’s win rate has only been slightly affected by the minor nerfs he has received. These nerfs have only brought down his win rate by 0.5 to one percent. Quinn believes that Valve needs to implement a more substantial nerf for Pangolier.

The Issue with Pangolier’s Tweaks

Quinn gave an example of the recent nerfs Pangolier received, pointing out that they haven’t addressed the problematic Swashbuckle-Diffusal Blade interaction. Instead, one of Pangolier’s talents was tweaked in a minor way. This tweak wasn’t enough to resolve the issue.

Despite these minor nerfs, Pangolier remains a popular pick in competitive matches. This is because Pangolier doesn’t have many hard counters in the current meta, making him a reliable choice for mid-laners.

When combined with a team that can dominate the early-to-mid game, Pangolier becomes a formidable and annoying hero, especially with the help of Aghanim’s Scepter. Even players who frequently pick Pangolier now agree that he needs a nerf.

Pangolier, Dota 2, hero, nerfs, win rate, competitive matches