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Puppey and Monet criticize Valve’s decision for a long break in TI11, cautioning its negative impact on players.

The International 11 Breaks Tradition with Playoffs and Finals Split

The International, the highly anticipated Dota 2 tournament, has always followed a specific format. Teams compete in the group stages without a crowd, and then the playoffs and finals take place at the main venue. This year, however, The International 11 is shaking things up.

In a departure from the norm, the playoffs and finals have been split into two separate events. The playoffs were held in the smaller venue, Suntec Singapore, while the finals will be taking place at the larger venue, Singapore Indoor Stadium, a week later.

This new format has sparked mixed reactions among players and retired legends, including Puppey and Monet. They may have different reasons, but they share the same conclusion: they’re not fans of the change.

Puppey expressed his discontent, stating, “It’s really bad. You start not focusing on your objective, which is winning and playing Dota 2. When you have a five-day break, you start thinking about other things. You start thinking about your life, and it starts making you feel kind of depressed.” He also highlighted the monotony of being stuck in the same hotel room and eating the same food for almost a month.

Monet, from Team Aster, agrees with Puppey’s sentiment. He finds the new format weird and prefers the previous format where games were played every day. He feels that the five-day break leaves everyone in suspense, waiting anxiously for the next phase of the tournament, which creates an unpleasant feeling.

Valve’s decision to introduce a break between the playoffs and finals and depart from other traditions remains unclear. Speculations include a scheduling conflict with a postponed Justin Bieber concert and the availability of the venue for short-term bookings.

However, what is certain is that this new format is taking a toll on players. They hope that it won’t become a recurring trend in the future.

The International 11, Dota 2, playoffs, finals, format change, players, view, tradition, reactions