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Public beta for Steam China’s Dota 2 and CS:GO to commence on Feb. 9

Valve’s CS:GO and Dota 2 Coming to Steam China

Valve’s popular free-to-play games, CS:GO and Dota 2, will be the first titles available on Steam China. This China-specific platform, developed with Perfect World, will launch on Feb. 9 with a public beta. Although it will function as a separate application, players’ progress and game libraries from the international version will transfer over.

Benefits and Regulations of Steam China

For gamers in China, having a domestic platform means more oversight and scrutiny. The international version of Steam has been accessible in China for a while, making Simplified Chinese the platform’s most popular language. This allowed players to bypass restrictions like anti-addiction time limits and age restrictions. However, the domestic platform requires developers to obtain a license from the Chinese government and comply with strict rules, including having their games entirely in Simplified Chinese and partnering with domestic publishers.

Meeting Chinese Market Requirements

To cater to the Chinese market, Valve has created low-violence versions of CS:GO and Dota 2. These versions remove blood splatters and make modifications to art featuring skulls or gore, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Valve, CS:GO, Dota 2, Steam China, Perfect World, Chinese market, domestic platform, regulations, low-violence versions