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New Dota 2 Matchmaking Update Enhances Trio Queue Times

Valve Tweaks Dota 2 Match Algorithm to Allow Three-Player Parties Against Five-Player Stacks

Valve has made adjustments to the matchmaking system of Dota 2 once again. In a reversal of a previous change, three-player parties will now have the chance to be matched up against five-player stacks in extreme cases.

Previously, three-player parties were not allowed to go up against solo players or full parties as part of Valve’s ongoing efforts to improve Dota 2’s matchmaking. However, three-player parties will still not be able to find matches with solo players, although Valve acknowledges that this may be undesirable for some players.

Check out the Matchmaking Update announcement by Wykrhm Reddy on Twitter [link to embedded tweet here].

While the community may have mixed feelings about these changes (see Reddit comments [link to embedded Reddit comment here]), Dota 2 fans appreciate Valve’s ongoing communication on the matter.

Valve has also shared some statistics on the new Fast Queue system, which is primarily designed to help core players find their desired roles. The Fast Queue system has reduced queue times for the majority of players, with only a small percentage having to wait over 10 minutes for a game.

For solo players who exclusively queue for the Mid role in the Fast Queue, the average wait time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, with 2.69% experiencing wait times exceeding 10 minutes [link to embedded tweet here].

With Dota 2’s player base declining, Valve has been dedicated to rebuilding the matchmaking engine to provide a better experience for both new and existing players.

This article is brought to you by StatBanana, the best Dota 2 strategy tool.

Dota 2, matchmaking update, three-player parties, five-player stacks, Fast Queue system, Valve, player base, StatBanana.