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New data suggests Dota 2 players may have misjudged the role of the new hero

Muerta’s Early Stats Indicate Misunderstanding of Hero Role in Dota 2

A recent analysis of early statistics for the new hero, Muerta, suggests that Dota 2 players may have misinterpreted her role. Despite initial assumptions that Muerta would excel as a support or mid laner, the data indicates that she actually performs best in the carry role.

Muerta’s kit includes strong damage-dealing abilities and high mobility, making her ideal for securing kills and dominating team fights. However, many players initially overlooked her potential as a carry due to her supportive skills and utility spells.

The statistics reveal that Muerta has a significant impact on the outcome of matches when played as a carry. Her high damage output can quickly decimate enemy heroes, making her a formidable force in late-game scenarios. This newfound understanding of her potential has resulted in a rise in Muerta picks and bans in professional matches.

Although Muerta can still function as a support or mid laner, her true strength lies in the carry role. Teams that capitalize on her damage output and mobility are likely to achieve great success in their matches.

With the knowledge gained from analyzing Muneta’s early stats, the Dota 2 community should reconsider their understanding of hero roles and explore new strategies to fully utilize her potential.

Dota 2, Muerta, hero, role, statistics, carry, support, mid laner, damage, mobility, kills, team fights, matches, professional, picks, bans, understanding, community.