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Mixed Feelings Among Players Regarding Dota 2’s New Ranked Experience in Patch 7.33

Dota 2 Update 7.33 Sparks Debate and Discontent Among Players

The latest update for Dota 2, version 7.33, brought about changes to the ranked system and matchmaking exclusively for top-tier players. The intention was to improve balance and fairness, but these changes have ignited a heated debate among the Dota 2 community. Many players are expressing dissatisfaction with their new ranks and recalibration processes.

Shortly after the changes were implemented on April 20, players began reporting instances of their MMR dropping by more than 3,000 after playing their calibration matches. Immortal players found themselves placed in the Herald or Crusader ranks, forcing them to start climbing their way back up, which could take weeks.

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In another case, a Dota 2 fan on Reddit shared their experience of being placed in the Immortal rank despite previously being in the Archon rank. This player had played more Turbo games, raising concerns about whether the new Glicko algorithm is mistakenly attributing Turbo game stats to normal game performance.

This situation raises concerns that players who exclusively play Turbo games may find themselves placed in higher tiers. While this might initially seem like a pleasant surprise, it could result in players being outclassed in every game until they return to their normal skill bracket.

Due to the widespread misplacement of players in the ranking system, Dota 2 players have also expressed disappointment in the overall match quality since the patch. Having a player who is either above or below their regular skill level in a team can significantly impact the game quality, and this issue may persist until the system stabilizes or Valve implements a fix.