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Magnus, Doom, and Sven emerge as top winners of Dota 2 Patch 7.27c

The Biggest Winners of Dota 2 Patch 7.27c

Dota 2’s recent 7.27b patch brought significant changes to heroes and items, with some heroes experiencing notable improvements in win rates. According to data compiled by GOSU.AI, certain heroes have seen a resurgence in different gameplay positions. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest winners in Dota 2 Patch 7.27c.


Magnus stands out as one of the heroes with the most significant win rate boosts. In the infographic, Magnus appears twice, showing increased win rates in both the mid lane and off lane. This strength hero benefits from buffs to his skills, except for his ultimate, making him a force to be reckoned with once again. Magnus is known for his preference for Echo Sabre, which now has potential upgrades and disassembly options, allowing for more strategic plays.


Doom has always been a prominent off-lane core or support hero, but now he’s also gaining popularity as a mid laner. The hero has received buffs to his Devour gold generation, armor, and attack range. The changes to Bracer’s magic resistance to health regeneration also benefit Doom, as his naturally tanky nature is further enhanced. With his powerful ultimate ability, Doom becomes a threat in fights, especially with early access to Scorched Earth and Drums of Endurance.


Sven’s main change in Patch 7.27b is to his ultimate ability, God’s Strength. While the strength aspect was removed, the duration was increased from 25 to 40 seconds, giving Sven more time to deal damage and clear jungle camps. This change improves his farming speed and teamfight presence. Despite some nerfs, Sven remains a formidable hero with high damage potential.


Clinkz received significant buffs in Patch 7.27c, making him a powerful physical damage dealer. His skills were later nerfed, but he still remains a threat. Items like Desolator and Orchid enhance his kill potential, while the increase in movement speed from Wind Walk allows him to rotate faster and gank effectively from the mid lane.


Terrorblade’s movement speed buff in Metamorphosis has made him a standout hero. This improvement enhances his chasing ability and reduces reliance on movement speed items. Additionally, Drums of Endurance has become a valuable item for Terrorblade, providing mana regeneration and early-game strength. With these changes, Terrorblade can contribute more effectively in the early game.


Enchantress has regained her status as one of the best laning supports in the game. Her ability to control powerful neutral creeps through Enchant gives her lane dominance. Enchantress excels in chasing down enemy heroes, allowing her core to farm safely. She also remains a strong support in the late game due to her tankiness and abilities like Nature’s Attendants and Untouchable.

In conclusion, Dota 2 Patch 7.27c has seen several heroes rise in prominence, thanks to various buffs and changes. The meta continues to evolve as players adapt to these updates, and it will be interesting to see how the competitive scene unfolds.

Dota 2, Patch 7.27c, heroes, win rates, Magnus, Doom, Sven, Clinkz, Terrorblade, Enchantress.