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Latest Dota 2 Update Hints at Potential Leaked Battle Pass Content by Valve

Leaked Content Reveals Potential Dota 2 Battle Pass Features

Updates to live service games often hold hidden surprises, and the recent client update for Dota 2 was no exception. Players who delved into the update’s code uncovered not only tutorial missions but also leaked content that may be included in the upcoming Battle Pass.

Reddit user MSTRMN_ compiled a comprehensive list of leaked Battle Pass content, confirming nine different aspects likely to be featured in The International 2020 bundle. Some of the content is returning from previous Battle Passes, making this information all the more credible.

Leaked Battle Pass Content

  • Achievements
  • Wagering
  • Coaches’ Challenge
  • Event game (placeholder with no details)
  • Tipping
  • Favorite team
  • All-Star match at TI10
  • Fantasy league
  • Predictions

While none of this information is groundbreaking, it does suggest that Valve will continue to add more features to the TI10 Battle Pass through small updates. The full code can be viewed on Steam Database, along with rough translations at the top.

Screengrab via Reddit

In addition to the leaked content, the code also includes references to unreleased features like Creep Card and Glossary. However, further details about these features are not currently available.

The update also hints at a new tutorial system, with code for a “learn page” and additional files titled “NewPlayerHome,” “Scenarios,” and “Guide Player.” While the details for these files are scarce, the “Guide Player” designation seems to be a prominent addition, with an in-game description and an icon indicating this player as a great teammate.

  • In-game description of “This player is a great teammate.”
  • Added an icon near name indicating whether the player is a Guide Player
  • Guide Players will also have that icon next to their name when they chat in-game

Aside from these leaks, the update primarily focused on formatting and minor changes related to Snapfire. The next major update is expected to be scheduled after the StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor qualifiers conclude in late February, but smaller patches may be released before then.

Dota 2, Battle Pass, leaked content, updates, tutorial system, features