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Is Arteezy’s career in Dota 2 coming to an end? Shopify’s Riyadh Masters dream crushed by nouns

The Disappointment of Shopify Rebellion at Riyadh Masters

In a surprising turn of events, Shopify Rebellion faced elimination from the North American closed qualifier grand final of Riyadh Masters at the hands of Nouns. This defeat has raised questions about the future of Arteezy in the professional scene.

Nouns Emerges Victorious Over Shopify Rebellion

Led by former Shopify Rebellion player Tal “Fly” Aizik, Nouns secured a 3-2 victory over Shopify in the Bo5 grand finals, clinching the lone North American slot for Riyadh Masters on June 2. As a result, Artour “Arteezy” Babaev will be absent from the prestigious $5 million tournament, marking a significant shift in the competitive Dota 2 scene.

The Criticism Surrounding Arteezy and Shopify Rebellion

Arteezy, the prominent Canadian carry, has faced significant backlash due to Shopify Rebellion’s consistent struggles in recent tournaments. While some argue that the team as a whole has underperformed, the revolving door of roster changes with Arteezy and coach Kanishka “BuLba” Sosale as the constants has not worked in their favor. Arteezy’s farming strategies and in-game decision-making have also come under fire, leading to divided opinions within the community.

A player voiced their concerns in a Reddit post following Riyadh Masters’ conclusion, highlighting the success of former Shopify players compared to the current lineup. The dissatisfaction with Arteezy and BuLba’s impact on the team’s performance was a common sentiment among fans and analysts.

Roster Changes and Controversy

Recent adjustments to the roster, including the addition of Ivan “MinD_ContRoL” Ivanov and Andrei “skem” Ong, have stirred further debate within the community. Critics have accused the organization of using offlaners as scapegoats for poor results, leading to a lack of stability in the team’s composition.

Renowned Dota 2 analyst Avery “SVG” Silverman recently criticized Shopify Rebellion for their inconsistent roster decisions, predicting a short-lived tenure for the newly acquired players. The revolving door policy within the organization has raised concerns about their ability to nurture a championship-winning lineup.

Arteezy’s Future and Redemption

Statements from former team members have shed light on the internal struggles within Shopify Rebellion, hinting at discord between key players. As the team regroups for the upcoming challenges, Arteezy’s leadership and gameplay will be under intense scrutiny.

With their hopes dashed at Riyadh Masters, Shopify Rebellion’s focus now shifts to the TI13 qualifiers, where they will vie for a chance to redeem themselves against formidable opponents, including Nouns.