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How to play Windranger like a professional player

Omar “w33” Aliwi is a Romanian Dota 2 player who made history as the first person to reach 8,000 MMR. He’s known for his exceptional gameplay with heroes like Meepo, Invoker, and Windranger.

In his debut tournament with Team Liquid, w33 achieved a second-place finish at the Epicenter Major where he showcased his dominance with Windranger. His outstanding performance caused a surge in the hero’s cosmetic prices.

Windranger is a versatile hero with a skillset that includes a long-duration stun, a powerful nuke, increased movement speed and evasion, and an ultimate that boosts physical damage. Playing Windranger effectively allows you to control the battlefield and deal hybrid damage. However, being caught off guard can lead to a swift defeat.

In the video below, you can see w33 demonstrating the full potential of Windranger:

Team Liquid utilizes Windranger as a potent midlaner due to her strong laning abilities and potential to solo kill enemies with minimal items. Additionally, her scouting and utility skills make her a valuable asset in skirmishes around the map.

“Ooh, now I get to shoot stuff!”: Windranger’s Skills

Here’s a brief explanation of each of Windranger’s skills and their priority:

Shackleshot [Q] is a long skillshot stun known for its high skill cap. It has the potential to disable two heroes in a fight. However, it doesn’t deal damage and w33 usually invests a value point in this skill at level four.

Powershot [W] is a high-damage nuke that reduces in damage as it passes through targets. It is Windranger’s main farming and killing skill in the early levels, and w33 prioritizes maxing this skill first.

Windrun [E] provides additional movement speed, 100 percent physical evasion, and slows enemies in an area around Windranger. It is a valuable defensive ability and w33 maxes this skill second.

Focus Fire [R] grants a massive attack speed boost against a single target while reducing Windranger’s damage. This skill allows her to solo-kills with ease. It’s important to note that it doesn’t decrease item proc effects like Javelin and Monkey King Bar.

For a detailed skill build, refer to the recommended sequence below:

  • Powershot at level one
  • Save skill point at level two
  • Second point in Powershot, third point in Shackleshot / Windrun, fourth point in the other
  • Max Powershot
  • Points in Focus Fire when available at levels six, 12, and 18
  • Max Windrun
  • Level 10 talent: +3 Mana Regen
  • Max Shackleshot
  • Level 15 talent: +125 Powershot damage
  • Level 20 talent: Windrun grants invisibility
  • Level 25 talent: 30 percent cooldown reduction

Powershot is recommended as the first skill to secure ranged creeps. One point is saved at level two, and subsequently, w33 invests in Shackleshot or Windrun depending on the kill potential in the lane. A value point in Shackleshot at level four sets up gank opportunities. The level 10 talent provides valuable mana regeneration. The level 15 talent enhances Powershot damage, and the level 20 talent grants invisibility during Windrun. The final talent reduces cooldowns for all active items.

“The trade winds blow!”: Windranger’s Item Build

Windranger heavily relies on speed in her gameplay, item choices, and team fights. W33 prioritizes cheap items that accelerate her solo kill and pushing potential, allowing her to maintain constant pressure on the map.

Starting items:

– Faerie Fire
– Iron Branch
– Mantle of Intelligence
– Shared Tango
– Circlet

These starting items give additional damage at the beginning of the game. It’s recommended to have two shared tangos, Null Talismans, and a Blades of Attack for effective trading hits.

Core items:

– Phase Boots: Provides additional damage and armor, allowing Windranger to chase down enemies with ease.
– Magic Wand: Enhances survivability and provides burst health regeneration during critical moments.
– Javelin: The most efficient damage option for Focus Fire, offering a quick and cheap damage increase.
– Black King Bar: A necessity to counter magic damage and ensure uninterrupted use of Focus Fire.

Late game items:

– Monkey King Bar: Synergizes well with Focus Fire and provides single-target damage, upgrading from Javelin.
– Aghanim’s Scepter: Grants two charges of Windrun, allowing for 100 percent uptime and unlocking movement speed cap.
– Crystalys: A cheap source of increased damage that combines well with other damage items.
– Boots of Travel: Increases mobility, allows teleportation to friendly units, and assists with map control.

In the super late game, items such as Linken’s Sphere, Mjollnir, and Scythe of Vyse/Bloodthorn can be considered for defense, damage, or control, respectively.

“Time for target practice”

When playing Windranger, it’s crucial to master the skillshots of Shackleshot and Powershot. These abilities require precise aiming and an understanding of hero movement to land successfully.

In the following clip, observe w33’s positioning and usage of trees to block lines of sight. His mechanical skill and ability to predict enemy movement allow him to secure crucial shackles and contribute significantly to team fights:

W33 maximizes his impact in fights by constantly using Powershot, even if he doesn’t land every shot. This creates a buffer zone for his team and prevents enemy supports from approaching due to the high damage output. His aim and execution with Powershot are exemplified by his final shot, which eliminates the escaping enemy hero.

“No expiration date on this”

Windranger has stood the test of time in Dota 2, remaining a popular pick among players and a flexible option in the professional meta. While the hero has undergone some changes, the core concepts and playstyle have remained consistent.

With satisfying skillshots, high damage potential, and great utility, Windranger continues to captivate players and offers a rewarding experience in every match.

Images via Valve