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Former Dota 2 professional suggests esports teams should prioritize products and fans over mere victories.

Peter Dager Criticizes Dota 2 Scene, Offers Solution for Organizations

The upcoming Lima Major has sparked discussion among current and retired players, including ex-EG captain and TI5 winner Peter Dager, also known as ppd. In a recent Twitter post on Feb. 20, ppd expressed his opinion about the current state of the Dota 2 scene, particularly directed towards teams and organizers.

Currently working as a Programs Operations Manager at Esports Engine, ppd previously coached Team Alliance. He expressed his concerns about the bloated nature of esports organizations, stating that they have become dependent on their investments instead of utilizing them to generate more revenue.

Contrary to his previous stance on prize pools, where he stated that smaller pools are not a major concern for motivated pro players, ppd now suggests that players should utilize their brand to earn profits. He emphasizes the importance of teams working towards this goal to avoid being replaced by better-organized newcomers.

When asked about possible monetization models, ppd believes that products based on teams and players can be successful. He even suggests that something as simple as toilet paper could generate revenue with the right approach. The willingness of esports organizations to take this advice seriously remains to be seen.

ppd, Dota 2, Lima Major, esports organizations, teams, organizers, monetization, pro players, esports scene, brand profitability