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Final Dota 2 Patch 7.22f Brings Balance Ahead of The International 2019

With the latest major tournament before The International over, Patch 7.22f will be the version played at Dota 2’s biggest event of the year.

TI is less than three weeks away, so teams will be studying the patch notes, hoping to see their strategies improved while the heroes of the season fall behind. Although the new patch does affect some of the most commonly-picked heroes, it seems that newer additions to the meta have been spared from significant nerfs.

While the changes in this balance patch are rather light, there is one notable item change. The recipe cost for Aghanim’s Blessing has been reduced from 2,000 to 1,800 gold, making it slightly more affordable.

Several heroes have seen slight adjustments, with the most notable nerfs going to common lane dominators like Sven, Centaur Warrunner, Juggernaut, and Wraith King.

Sven has received his sixth nerf in six patches, yet he remains highly popular among professional players due to his exceptional carry potential and farming speed. His Storm Hammer has been nerfed again, reducing his early kill potential in lane.

Centaur Warrunner’s hybrid damage potential and global save or catch have made him increasingly popular. However, his Retaliate has been nerfed, reducing his physical damage potential.

Juggernaut, known for his magic immunity, strong heal, and late-game potential, has taken a hit to his already weak beginning stats, making him less powerful early on.

Wraith King, who raises skeletons and returns to life with Reincarnation, will still likely be seen frequently at TI. His Mortal Strike’s mana cost has been increased, while Wraithfire Blast’s damage has been slightly reduced.

Other commonly-picked supports like Omniknight, Ancient Apparition, and Spirit Breaker have also been nerfed to various extents. Spirit Breaker’s Bulldoze ability’s mana cost has been nerfed, making his poor mana pool an even bigger issue to manage. Ancient Apparition’s powerful ultimate has received a mana cost nerf, and his Cold Feet proc range has been reduced. Omniknight’s Purification has received another cooldown nerf, and his Heavenly Grace has also been significantly affected.

Popular midlaners such as Outworld Devourer, Ember Spirit, and Morphling have been hit with nerfs as well. Ember Spirit’s armor has been reduced, Morphling has received cast range nerfs, and Outworld Devourer’s ultimate, Sanity’s Eclipse, has a higher mana cost and Astral Imprisonment has a longer cooldown.

On the other hand, Tinker has received significant buffs to his talents in this patch. His level 15 talent has been changed from spell lifesteal to powerful mana cost and mana loss reduction.

Heroes that have recently become popular in the meta, like Clinkz, have been spared from the nerfs that Sven and Wraith King have faced. Clinkz’s ultimate and Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade have made him a strong presence in teamfights.

The meta at The International often brings surprises, so expect to see some unexpected picks. For now, keep an eye on heroes like Clinkz. The International starts on Aug. 15.

Images via Valve