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Fans disappointed as TI9’s Immortal Treasure 3 is finally released

Valve Finally Releases Immortal Treasure 3 Before The International

Valve has finally released the highly-anticipated Immortal Treasure 3 to Battle Pass owners, just days before The International tournament. This release comes after a 90-day wait since the Battle Pass was announced. In a tweet, Valve poked fun at its North American fanbase by releasing the treasure while they were asleep.

Despite the International being so close, Valve has yet to release several promised items to Battle Pass owners, including custom creep models and Tiny’s prestige item, Majesty of the Colossus.

The release of the treasure has received mixed reactions from fans. While Lycan and Mars received their first Immortals, some fans on Reddit expressed disappointment that heroes like Axe and Necrophos received yet another Immortal for their collection.

Axe received two items in the Treasure, a normal helmet that grants a custom Berserker’s Call effect and a golden variant. Fans were upset because Axe already had an item with the same effect back in 2014. Valve’s decision to give Axe a golden variant instead of introducing a new hero to the Immortal collection may be due to the Battle Pass reward set, Axe Unleashed, which encourages players to purchase more levels.

Chen, Techies, Io, and Arc Warden are the four heroes in Dota 2 without an Immortal item. Techies and Io have had Arcanas, leaving Chen and Arc Warden as the only heroes without a Valve-made cosmetic.

Other heroes that received an Immortal in this treasure are Clinkz, Terrorblade, and Slardar. You can check out how the Immortals look on the Dota 2 website.

With the prize pool for The International currently at over $31 million, breaking the record for any esports event, the lukewarm reception to the new Treasure may dampen the enthusiasm for the tournament.

In the end, even though fans may be disappointed with the selection of heroes for Immortal Treasure 3, it won’t take away from the excitement of The International 9, which begins on August 15th.

Valve, Immortal Treasure 3, Battle Pass, The International, Dota 2, heroes, cosmetic items