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Everything you should know about Dota 2 patch 7.26a: Movement speed reduction, deathball slowdown, and specific nerfs

Valve Makes Changes to Dota 2 Speed in Latest Patch

Valve has implemented important speed adjustments to Dota 2 with the release of the latest 7.26a patch. This update comes after the developer introduced significant changes to the game in the previous 7.26 patch. Now, in order to address the power creep issue that has been affecting the game for a long time, Valve has made additional modifications.

General Changes

Experience bonus for killstreaks reduced

Previously, the experience bonus formula for killstreaks had significant variability. While it provided exciting comebacks in the late game, it could also result in a massive power swing during the laning stage with just one reverse kill. By making the bonus more linear, these swings will be less dramatic.

Item Changes

Movement speed changes reverted

When Boots and its related items were changed to percentage-based movement speed in patch 7.20, it disproportionately benefited fast heroes and disadvantaged slow heroes. This item became practically mandatory, further widening the gap between heroes with different base movement speeds and making it nearly impossible for slower heroes to catch up. Reverting Boots and its associated items back to static values will help balance the game and give slower heroes like Crystal Maiden a chance to perform well. Additionally, the removal of five movement speed for all agility heroes introduced in the previous patch remains unchanged.

Auras are more expensive to slow down deathball

Auras have always been crucial in early push strategies. However, due to the fast meta and frequent five-man group engagements, they have become essential for all lineups. In order to slow down the pace of the game and the dominance of deathball strategies, Valve has increased the cost of items like Vladimir’s Offering, Mekansm, and Pipe of Insight.

The item Spirit Vessel now includes a new aura component that splits its negative health regeneration between its active ability and the aura itself. This makes it an even more important item in sustained lineups. It also serves as a counter to the increasing amount of health regeneration amplification in the game, such as Chen’s Divine Favor aura, the neutral item Paladin Sword, and shop items like Sange and Heart of Tarrasque.

Eye of Skadi adds health regen reduction

Valve has made changes to Eye of Skadi, making it a more attractive choice for carry heroes. Previously, the health regen reduction effect was attached to Silver Edge, but it has been moved to Eye of Skadi to enhance its offensive threat.

Hero Changes

The movement speed adjustments have also affected the hero pool. While recent patches have introduced ways for heroes to increase their movement speed, such as Death Prophet’s Exorcism and Spirit Breaker’s Bulldoze, some of the stronger heroes that surpass the 550 speed limit have been nerfed.

Alchemist and Bounty Hunter’s gold generation reduced

Both Alchemist and Bounty Hunter, the two heroes capable of generating gold out of thin air, have had their abilities’ values reduced. Greevil’s Greed now has a lower cap, base gold, and bounty rune multiplier, while Bounty Hunter’s self-gold bonus from Track has been decreased. These changes align with the game-wide 10 percent decrease in gold bounties introduced in patch 7.26.

These adjustments by Valve aim to improve the overall gameplay experience and create better balance within Dota 2. Players can now expect a more fair and competitive environment in the game.

Dota 2, Valve, patch, speed adjustments, power creep, experience bonus, killstreaks, movement speed, items, auras, Eye of Skadi, hero changes, gold generation.