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Dota 2 Update 7.30e Tweaks Magnus, Tiny, and Rune Durations for Bottles

Valve Releases Dota 2 Gameplay Update 7.30e with Minor Adjustments and a New Hero

Following The International 10, Valve has released the highly-anticipated post-TI update for Dota 2. Gameplay update 7.30e aims to shape the game based on the evolving meta during the tournament and beyond. In addition, Valve has introduced Marci, the game’s newest hero.

The patch primarily focuses on tweaking various aspects of the game rather than implementing significant changes. Valve appears to be relying on players to adapt and shift the meta. Notably, certain heroes who performed well at TI10, such as Magnus and Ember Spirit, have been nerfed.

Despite these adjustments, Magnus will likely remain a popular pick even though his Horn Toss has been nerfed twice and his Skewer range has been reduced. The hero may have lost some of its devastating impact, but it still holds its ground.

Monkey King, the most contested hero at TI10 with 140 bans, has received minor adjustments to his movement speed and cooldowns for Primal Spring and Boundless Strike. These changes are significant enough to impact gameplay.

TI-contender, Tiny, has also faced nerfs with modifications to Tree Throw and Tree Grab’s damage.

Void Spirit experienced changes to Dissimilate, with its cast point increased from 0.2 to 0.3. Additionally, the hero’s shard bonus, level 20 and 25 Talents were slightly reduced. While individually minor, these adjustments could affect Void players significantly. Similar changes have been made to heroes like Earthshaker and Elder Titan.

Aside from hero adjustments, the notable changes in the general update include a 10% reduction in small camp XP bounties and a decrease in Rune stored duration from 120 seconds to 90 seconds for a Bottle. These changes, along with substantial item updates, are expected to have the most impact on the gameplay.

The reduction in small camp XP may negatively impact support players in the safe-lane role, while the shortened duration of Runes in Bottles is likely to shake up the mid-lane meta. These adjustments prevent players from easily farming and collecting Runes.