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Dota 2 players raise concerns about increasing cheating activity

Dota 2 Community Shaken by Cheating Accusations

Recently, the Dota 2 community has been rocked by multiple accusations of cheating. As a result, fans have taken it upon themselves to investigate the issue and the world of hacking in general.

Disturbing Truth Revealed

A Dota 2 fan who delved into the darker side of the game discovered a troubling reality that confirmed the suspicions of many.

Outdated Anti-Cheat Tools

It was discovered that four cheating software, some dating back to 2020, were still functional in Dota 2. This reveals that Valve’s anti-cheat tools are severely outdated and in need of updating. What was once a feared VAC system seems to have lost its effectiveness, especially since the cheats in question were openly available as open source.

Horror Stories and Lack of Action

Several fans have supported the initial claims by sharing their own horror stories. These range from encountering players with a 100 percent counter-ward rate to experiencing vision hacks.

Some users even claim to have used the same cheat for over a year without facing any consequences, indicating that Valve has seemingly given up on keeping its anti-cheat system up to date. In the past, Valve was known for issuing VAC bans in waves, effectively deterring hackers. However, these waves have become less frequent, with severe punishment only occurring as a result of excessive reports. Since it is difficult to spot cheaters in Dota 2 unless they are blatantly scripting, the community heavily relies on the Overwatch system to compensate for Valve’s shortcomings.

Heightened Doubt in the Dota 2 Community

Valve’s inability to detect cheats and hacks has created a sense of doubt within the Dota 2 community. Many are now questioning how dire the situation truly is.

Dota 2, cheating accusations, hacking, anti-cheat tools, VAC system, horror stories, vision hacks, Overwatch system, doubt