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Dota 2 bug destroys team’s fountain, but doesn’t prevent victory

Dota 2 Patch 7.33: Game-Breaking Bug Destroys Fountains

Dota 2 Patch 7.33, released on April 20, brought new features and a larger map to the game. However, along with these updates came a game-breaking bug. One of the new objectives, the Tormentor, was mistakenly relocated to the enemy base, causing their fountain to be completely destroyed.

During a public game on April 26, Reddit user u/spextre_off witnessed this exploit. By utilizing the team composition of Io + Primal Beast, the Dire team was able to move the Tormentor from its original location into the Radiant base.

To achieve this, Io used Relocate to transport the Tormentor to the enemy fountain, while Primal Beast used Pulverize. The timing allowed them to bring the Tormentor into the Radiant base fountain area.

The Tormentor possesses a barrier that absorbs and reflects damage onto nearby targets. As a result, both Io and Primal Beast perished from the fountain damage, causing the Tormentor to then turn its attention towards the fountain. The Tormentor’s damage reflection barrier backfired, leading to the complete destruction of the fountain.

The Radiant team was left bewildered, finding a Tormentor in place of their fountain. After destroying the Tormentor, they realized their fountain was gone. Despite this setback, the Radiant team managed to win the game, showcasing the never-give-up spirit of Dota 2.

This bug is just one of many introduced in Patch 7.33. While a 7.33b patch on April 25 addressed some of these exploits, new bugs are likely to arise. It is uncertain if more issues are currently being discovered, which is concerning given that there is an ongoing tournament.

Considering the history of Dota players, who often take advantage of these “features” until they are patched, it is essential for Icefrog and the developers to address this bug before it affects the ongoing Berlin Major.

Dota 2, Patch 7.33, game-breaking bug, Tormentor, fountain, exploit, Io, Primal Beast, Radiant base, damage reflection barrier, Berlin Major, Icefrog, Dota players, Berlin Major.