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Dota 2 7.23c Patch: Magnus’ Upgraded Skewer Gets Nerfed, Treant Protector Regains Free Pathing and Global Presence

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Valve has released the latest gameplay patch for Dota 2, 7.23c, after determining the competitors for the upcoming Majors and Minors. This patch brings about changes in heroes and items, including a decrease in experience gain for heroes and the return of damage block against player-controlled units.


  • Outpost XP reduced from 25 per minute to 18
  • Level 10 XP talents reduced to 20 percent
  • Level 15 XP talents reduced to 35 percent

Experience talents have become more valuable with the addition of Outposts and the level 30 upgrade. However, they have also led to snowballing and faster games where teams reach level 25 within 25 minutes. The reduction in experience gain from Outposts aims to slow down the pace of the game and make comebacks more possible.

Related: More than 40% of pro Dota 2 matches have ended before or at 30 minutes post in 7.23 update

Experience talents have undergone revisions. They now provide a standardized value of expedited experience gain at level 10 and level 15, making them less powerful overall. This change specifically affects heroes like Weaver and Warlock, who relied on high experience talents to reach their power spikes earlier.

  • Innate Damage Block now works against player units
  • Innate Damage Block changed to 50 percent for 16 block
  • Innate Damage Block no longer stacks with damage block instances

Damage block mechanics have been changed. It now has a percentage chance to block damage, similar to the old Stout Shield. Additionally, it now applies to player-controlled units, reducing the annoyance caused by heroes like Broodmothers and Nature’s Prophet.


Early aura items like Buckler, Vladimir’s Offering, and Drums of Endurance have been nerfed slightly or increased in cost due to their high value. Several neutral items have been buffed, except for Mindbreaker.

Boots of Travel

  • Now has a six-second teleportation delay when teleporting to outposts

Boots of Travel have been adjusted to have a teleportation delay when teleporting to outposts. This change prevents them from being the go-to boot choice for offlaners and four positions, while still allowing for teleportation to nearby creep waves and towers.

Third Eye

  • Removed

The powerful neutral item, Third Eye, has been removed from the game. Its various benefits, including true sight and increased vision range, made it an overpowered option. Its removal is necessary to maintain balance.

Hero buffs

A total of 27 heroes have received changes in this patch. Fourteen heroes were buffed, while 13 were nerfed.

Treant Protector

  • Now has an innate Nature’s Guise passive ability, allowing them to path through trees and gain various bonuses
  • Scepter now causes trees to respawn every 10 seconds instead of every 5 minutes

Treant Protector is the biggest beneficiary of the latest patch. They have regained their core abilities, including the ability to freely walk through trees, turn invisible near them, and provide global saving presence. The rework of Nature’s Guise makes it more convenient and powerful, while the changes to Living Armor make it highly effective against physical carries and pushes.

Hero nerfs

Crystal Maiden

Arcane Aura

  • Arcane Aura no longer provides magic resistance

Crystal Nova

  • Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 14/12/10/8 to 11/10/9/8


  • Level 15 Talent changed from +14 percent manacost/manaloss reduction Aura to +10 percent magic resistance Arcane Aura

Crystal Maiden’s Arcane Aura no longer provides magic resistance, reducing her overall power. However, the cooldown on her Crystal Nova has been decreased, providing players with more flexibility in leveling up her abilities.



  • Skewer Scepter reduces mana cost by 50 percent instead of 100 percent
  • Skewer Scepter cooldown increased from four to six seconds

Magnus’ Skewer has been adjusted to prevent unlimited usage of the ability. The previous Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade allowed for overpowered plays, and this change brings it back in line.

Majors, Minors, gameplay patch, Dota 2, experience gain, damage block, heroes, items, Outpost XP, experience talents, Innate Damage Block, aura items, Boots of Travel, Third Eye, hero buffs, Treant Protector, Crystal Maiden, Magnus.