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Controversial Player Ban Causes Turmoil at Dota 2 Chongqing Major

Dota 2’s Chongqing Major Event Faces Controversy Over Racist Comment

Dota 2’s Chongqing Major event is currently embroiled in controversy due to a racist comment made by a competitor in early November. The event may face a potential caster protest and even the possibility of cancellation as a result of the events of the past month.

TNC Predator Player Banned, Casters Suggest Boycott

TNC Predator player Carlo “Kuku” Palad has reportedly been banned from competing in the upcoming Dota 2 Pro Circuit match. As a result, Dota 2 casters are suggesting a boycott of the event if Kuku is unable to play.

Racially-Charged Message Sparks Outrage

Kuku’s racially-charged message of “ching chong” in Dota 2’s game chat in early November upset the Chinese Dota 2 community. The message had racist implications tied to the Chinese language. Valve’s response was late, but they have since apologized and TNC Predator has punished the player by issuing a 50% fine of Kuku’s winnings from the Kuala Lumpur Major and either the Chongqing or Bucharest events. The money deducted from Kuku’s share will be donated to an anti-racism charity.

Potential Cancellation and Safety Concerns

In late November, it was reported by ESPN that the municipal government of Chongqing has banned Kuku from the event. TNC Predator confirmed this report and stated that the city government may cancel the Chongqing Major if Kuku attends, assuming he is able to enter the country. There are concerns that the Chinese ban may extend into The International 9 in Shanghai.

The event organizers have informed TNC Predator that they cannot guarantee Kuku’s safety if he attends the event. Valve has reportedly told TNC Predator that they can compete at the Major with a stand-in player without the usual Dota 2 Pro Circuit points penalty. TNC Predator is still considering whether they will continue playing in the event and exploring all of their options.

Chongqing Major broadcasting talent have already started pulling out of the event if Kuku is unable to attend. Dota 2 caster Grant “GranDGranT” Harris announced on Twitter his refusal to cast, and commentator and host Paul “Redeye” Chaloner, who was not initially set to attend, expressed his support for Harris. Andrei “skem” Ong, another player implicated in a similar incident, has already been removed from compLexity Gaming’s active roster.

has reached out to Valve and tournament organizer StarLadder for more information, but neither party has publicly commented on the caster protest or TNC Predator’s statements.

ESPN, Dota 2, Chongqing Major, Kuku, racist comment, caster protest, TNC Predator